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News from December 1999

Friday, December 31st, 1999
MAME Beta 13 Games:
Bob from Arcade Emulation has notified me that MAME beta 13 games are now available on the MAME B13 Pre-Release link on the ROM Files section. Tomorrow he will merge them all and update the regular section (if we are still around tomorrow) =)

Bit Age Times Issue #4:
The last issue of the century, Bit Age Times offers more coverage of the second generation of video games. This issue features:
  • A Look at Mascots!
  • Poll for the Most Influential Games of the Bit Age!
  • Surviving Y2K, the Video Game Way!
  • Review of Neo Mr. Do
  • And a whole .lot more!
Check it out at the above link.

Rodimus Prime's AMAME and PMAME have been updated to the latest MAME v0.36 beta 13 build. Remember, AMAME is also designed for the P2, P3, Celeron, and 486 CPU. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Y2K Glitches:
It's already the year 2000 in many parts of the world and some Y2K bugs have made their way to the Arcade@Home site. I'm working on correcting them so please be patient.

MESS v0.36 Beta 13:
MESS v0.36 beta 13 has been released to be in-line with the MAME source it's based on. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Are You Worried about Y2K?
Well, everyone is talking Y2K now. Even my 3 year old son asked my wife yesterday what Y2K was. Now's your chance to tell everyone how you feel. Vote on if you're worried about Y2K at the above link.

Slow News Day Fun:
The week between Christmas and the new year is always slow for the internet and emulation. People are not at work, not at school, or at their aunt Ester's visiting and don't have time for mindless internet surfing and gaming. Well, here's a site that will help you tell if it's a slow news day or not.

EMU+ v0.36 Beta 13 Released:
EMU+ gets updated to keep in-line with the latest MAME build. This version adds everything that beta 12 did plus fixes some things. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Thursday, December 30th, 1999
MAME v0.36 Beta 13 Released!
MAME v0.36 beta 13 has been released. The following games have been added:
  • Thunder Cross II [Nicola Salmoria]
  • Gradius III [Nicola Salmoria]
  • Splash [Manuel Abadia]
  • Dottori Kun (a cabinet test board) [Takahiro Nogi]
  • Minivader (a cabinet test board) [Takahiro Nogi]
  • Ninja Emaki [Takahiro Nogi]
  • Fast Lane (not playable due to protection) [Manuel Abadia]
  • Bells & Whistles (= Detana Twin Bee)
  • Mr. Viking (Japan)
  • Nova 2001
  • '99 The Last War (alternate version with different gameplay)
  • Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp (= Pac & Pal)
  • Dark Seal (Japan)
  • Devastators (version V)
  • Donkey Kong (Japan, old version)
  • Aliens (US)
  • Block Hole (= Quarth)
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Also, i686 and K6 compiled versions are available.

OpenGlide v0.04a Released:
For those out there that want to use UltraHLE but don't have a Voodoo video card, OpenGlide comes to the rescue. It seems that 3dfx has made Glide open source. If you are from 3dfx and this is not true, please notify me and I'll remove the file from the server. This Glide wrapper seems to work fairly good albeit some glitches and slow speed. Download it from the N64 page of the Console Emulation section.

Tuesday, December 28th, 1999
EMU+ v0.36 Beta 12 Released:
EMU+ v0.36 beta 12 has been released in three compiled versions, Pentium, K6, and P2+. This release includes the following changes:
  • Moved the Overclock and Autofire saved settings from the gamename.cfg file in the CFG dir to gamename.emu file in the CFG dir. This keeps emu+ from crashing MAME and vice-versa. Note: You will probably have to delete your CFG files again but this is the last time for that. :D
  • Eagle and other special video modes are tweaked due to the new palette routines. Some games work but most don't now. Will look into it.
  • The sample fixes and all the other additions are still in B12. Overclocking is now in the official mame in the OSD Display. I suggest you use one or the other. I prefer the overclocking in the TAB menu but that's me.
  • Note: Old neogeo save states may have to be deleted. The routine had to be changed because mame changed. My old save states did not work but yours may. Try it and if it crashes you probably have to delete them.
  • Hiscore saved support for turbo.
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

My Y2K Pantry:
Well, my wife has been making some last minute purchases in preparation for possible Y2K "bug" problems. Here's a picture of my pantry stocked full of items that will allow us to remain comfortable even if the worst happens. Check out the picture at the left. Yes, those are limited edition Spaghettios 2000's "with 2's added".

Impact Emulator Protest?:
It seems that there was either a leaked copy of Impact released or a fake one. But, in any case, the Impact Emulator site has removed all content from their home page. Except, of course, they did leave their ad in place. =) Lets vote: Why is the Impact Emulator site blank?

Monday, December 27th, 1999
Arcade@Home catver.ini Updated:
Gerardo has updated the catver.ini file that includes MAME v0.36 beta 12 games. This is an optional file that gives you game category and MAME version information. Download it from the Front-Ends section.

Next MAME Games:
Arcade Emulation has updated their games needed for MAME B13 (or RC1). Check out the "MAME B13 Pre-Release" link on the ROM Files section.

Jnes v0.30 Released:
Jnes v0.30 has been released. This version adds the following:
    "The new NSF support works rather well but there are a few NSF's that might of been ripped strangely that do not work at certain points. Also, hopefully I fixed that bad Cyrix problem people were having with versions that tried to detect MMX."
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

EmuDX Progress:
More progress with Mike's EmuDX emulator. Donkey Kong is looking really nice now. Because of all the graphics, the file size has grown to over 12MB. I hope to see a private beta soon to try out the newly added games, graphics, sounds and music.

MameLang32 Adds Japanese Support:
MameLang32 is a version of MAME32 that allows multiple language modules. It already supported English and Spanish. Now it adds Japanese (till in the testing phase). If you speak Japanese, check it out on the MameLang32 site at the above link.

ClrMamePro RC1d Released:
ClrMamePro is a great MAME game manager. Version RC1d adds the following:
  • misc: combined 'unneeded' and 'name' check/fix. You can't do an unneeded check without a name check anymore. Same with fix option. So CMPro won't remove 'unneeded' files which only have a wrong name.
  • misc: some better 'unzip error' messages
  • fixed: 0-crc-creation should only be called when gameset exists
  • fixed: didn't create destination rebuild folder when dropping roms
  • fixed: wrong rebuilder-unzip-messagebox button ('YES' <-> 'NO')
  • fixed: unused F1-Help key
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Saturday, December 25th, 1999
Merry Christmas!
As most of you are all doing now as well, I've been spending time with my family for the last couple of days. Nothing big is happening anyway, but news will return tomorrow. Have a merry Christmas and I hope Santa was good to you.

Thursday, December 23rd, 1999
Meka v0.32c Released:
Seems there was some problems with the latest version of Meka crashing. v0.32c fixes the following:
    There was yet another stupid bug in the previous version. Depending on the mood of your computer, it could have crashed under DOS, or screwed anything it wanted. Evil, bad bug. Now fixed. Also added an option in the configuration file to change to IPeriod for Colecovision games. Don't even dare modifying the default 215 value if you don't know what it is.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

MAMED v0.36 Beta 11 Released:
MAMED version 36b11b is now available and has much improved sound on the DC265, it's still too slow and choppy though, sound is also still disabled on the DC290. Also addeded is a startup sound so you can tell when the camera is finished loading MAMED. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

MESS v0.36 Beta 12 Released:
MESS v0.36 beta 12 has been released. Jupiter Ace emulation has been added as well as a bunch of graphics, sound and driver updates. Download it from the Console Emulation section. Thanks to VGN for the news.

MacMAME v0.36 Beta 12 Released:
MacMAME v0.36 beta 12 has been released. This version adds the following:
  • In sync with DOS beta 12. [Aaron Giles]
  • Rewrote the video subsystem from scratch. This has a number of implications; see below. [Aaron Giles]
  • Added contextual menus in the frontend listbox, displaying information about the selected romset and its clones. [John Butler]
  • Added Konami PPC CPU core based off the 6809 core. [Aaron Giles]
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Wednesday, December 22nd, 1999
EmuDX Progress:
Mike has been busy with his EmuDX emulator. As you can see from the screen shot to the left, Donkey Kong is well under way. Also, Mappy is scheduled to be added next. A private beta should be made available shortly, with a public one not far behind (hopefully).

Sparcade v2.33b Updated:
Seems that there was a small problem with the latest Sparcade. If you downloaded it already, download v2.33b from the Arcade Emulation section.

Sparcade v2.33 Beta Released:
Sparcade v2.33 beta has been released. This version adds support for Arkanoid, Airwolf, Galaga, & Gradius 3. This is a beta and there are many known problems (check out the readme.txt file). Download it from the Arcade Emulation section.

Tuesday, December 21st, 1999
Meka v0.32b Released:
Ripped right from the Meka site:
    Meka 0.32 is now available to evil pirates and truly poor people who do not have a buck to spare. In the form of Meka 0.32b, which is the same with minor bugs fixed. So registered users are advised to download it too. Enjoy! *and please read documentation*
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

MameLang32 v0.36 Beta 12 Released:
MameLang32 is an unofficial MAME32 build that includes support for multiple languages. Currently, it supports English and Spanish, but other languages are being worked on. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Monday, December 20th, 1999
EmuDX Progress:
Mike has been working hard on EmuDX. Donkey Kong is about to be added, Galaga will probably be added next, and Galaxian and Frogger are going to 16 bit graphics. You can check out some screen shots of Galaxian running in 16 bit on the EmuDX site.

Ultra.ini v1.0.24 Released:
This release readds support for Automobili Lamborghini and adds a new hownbrewn game called Dexanoid by Protest Designs that is FREE to download at: Protest Designs - Dexanoid. This game is fully playable on UltraHLE (albeit some graphic glitches). Also, EmuHQ is giving away a NeoGeo Pocket Color and 4 games for being a little too eager on that last Ultra.ini file release. =) Download Ultra.ini v1.0.24 from the N64 page of the Console Emulation section.

Retrogaming Times #28 is On-line:
The last issue of the century! Another enjoyable issue of the long running, classic game ezine! This issue features:
  • A Help Guide for Setting up and Playing MAME!
  • MAME Reviews of Golden Axe and The Simpsons!
  • Life and Video Games, the Shocking Similarities!
  • Review of Vecmania!
  • A whole lot more!
Check it out at the above link.

ArcadeOS v2.33 Released:
Brian Lewis' ArcadeOS v2.33 DOS based front-end has been released. This is the only DOS front-end on this site because, well, it's the best =) This version adds the following:
  • Selectable Font Sizes
  • Main window is now sizable
  • Added user definable 'Shift' functions
  • Keys to remap can now be set per game
  • Keyboard remapper now extended for use with MAME
  • Added option to rotate backrops
  • Added new default AOS backdrop
  • Added PSX pad support
Download it from the Front-Ends section.

Sunday, December 19th, 1999
Unofficial MAME32 v0.36 Beta 12 Released:
P2L97's Unofficial MAME32 with auto-file has been upgraded to the mame v0.36 beta 12 source. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Ultra.ini v1.0.23a?:
It seems that Ultra.ini v1.0.23 doesn't do what was claimed. Gecko has supplied new lines to add to your ini file to upgrade to v1.0.23a (no need to download another file):
    // 12/19 v1.0.23a
    // Removed fake patches by Zach =) (Gecko)
    // Note to self not to trust someone else's work =) (Gecko)
Obviously, he's joking with Zach. =)

Saturday, December 18th, 1999
MAME Screen Shots Updated:
New MAME screen shots have been updated. You can view them on-line from the above link.

Rumor: Another Emulator Going Commercial?:
Another emulator could be going commercial as well. Details are sketchy and I can't release the emulator's name at this time. I'll post more news when and if I get confirmation.

Ultra.ini v1.0.23 Released:
Yet another UltraHLE Ultra.ini released. This time it adds support for two new games, Automobili Lamborghini and Body Harvest (albeit occasional freezes). Download it from the N64 page of the Console Emulation section. Thanks to Zach for putting together this file.

MagicEngine Released:
The MagicEngine emulator came through this time and released their PC emulator (I was just starting to wonder if this would be another bleem! fiasco). =) It's not free, you'll need to fork over 16 hard earned dollars, but at least it's reasonable. Check it out at the above link.

AMAME/PMAME v0.36 Beta 12 Released:
Rodimus Prime has released his AMAME & PMAME compiles of the MAME v0.36 beta 12 source. Download them from the M.A.M.E. section. Also, he's working on a surprise. Check out his site for any news on this.

MAME v0.36 Beta 12 Released!
MAME v0.36 beta 12 has been released. Only 2 new games and some clones were added in this release. These include:
  • HAL21 [Phil Stroffolino]
  • Pinbo [Scott Kelley]
  • Arch Rivals (revision 2)
  • Finalizer (bootleg)
  • Mad Gear (Japan)
  • Paint Roller (= Crush Roller)
  • Raiden (2 new sets)
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Friday, December 17th, 1999
HiVE Going Commercial?:
It seems that HiVE is going commercial. I don't know if I should reveal who is buying it yet, but it appears to be a done deal. More news as I get permission to post it. Thanks to D for the news.

Pole Position Sample:
I didn't post Dith's new Pole Position sample because one of the sounds actually sounded worse then before :-( The one currently on my M.A.M.E. section is the one that I'd recommend. I did receive a replacement Pole Position sample from ArcAngel. This one is *not* an actual sample, but it sounds good none the less. It's only 58k and can be downloaded at the above link. Note that you should keep a backup of your existing polepos.zip because this one is not an arcade sample.

OverClocked Comic "MAMEBucks Coffee":
Any coffee drinker can relate to this comic. It makes some comments about danmanya ( EMU+ creator) and the Arcade@Home front-end. It won't leave your sides splitting, but it will kill some time while we wait for something interesting. Check it out at the above link.

Arcade@Home's Brag Mobile:
Well, all the emulation sites seem to be buying jets and stuff bragging on how much they make on banner clicks. I figured I couldn't be left behind. So I scrapped together all I had, got this slick ride, and had my beautiful graphic designer Exodus3D paint it. I planned on touring the country, and in each city being greeted by hundreds, maybe thousands of adorning fans. But instead, I didn't make it out of the county. Oh well, maybe next year I'll have enough to get a more reliable ride. Keep clicking =)

Ultra.ini V1.0.22 Released:
This version of the ultra.ini adds cheats to Banjo-Kazooie that allow you to start at any level. This allows you to progress through the game, getting around some additional copy protection issues. jandaman has also added information about other non-working games. Download it from the N64 - UltraHLE section.

New Turbo Sample:
Dith has released a new Turbo sample that fixes length and slowdown problems people were having with the ambulance sample. It's also much smaller now (539K). Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Thanks to Vintage Gaming for the news.

Thursday, December 16th, 1999
RomCenter v1.80 Released:
RomCenter is a great ROM auditor that supports the following platform/emulators (as well as the number of ROMs in the database):
    Callus 0.42 (53), CPS3 (Capcom) (7), CPS2 (54), GameBoy (626), NeoGeo (130), The Impact! (8), Retrocade 1.2b2 (114), HiVE 1.03 (54), Just For Fun 0.23 (19), Nintendo 64 (18), NES (2100), Neo Geo pocket color (8), Rage 0.9 (21), Raine 0.27a (169), Sega 32X (46), System 16 0.82a (58), System 32 (8), Sega Master System (SMS) (194), Shark (21), SNES (3700), Xdragon 0.30 (2)
Visit their site at the above link to see a list of new features, download v1.80, and download datafiles for the playform/emulators you wish to audit.

The IMPACT! Teaser?:
A rumor floating around that The IMPACT! will release a teaser with just 2 or 3 games emulated. The news comes from Exposure 2000, a reputable emulation news site =) Thanks to BraiNKilleR for the news.

Wednesday, December 15th, 1999
Another Updated Asteroids Deluxe Backdrop:
The latest Asteroids Deluxe backdrop was sharper and more accurate, however it was so bold that you could hardly see the vectors. Ron N. took the backdrop and reduced the intensity to match the way a real Asteroids Deluxe backdrop looks. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

N64 Banjo-Kazooie is more Playable!
Well, it seems that Banjo-Kazooie wasn't fully playable after all. However here's a new version of the Ultra.ini file (v1.0.21) that includes two more patches. The first is another patch by Kong K Rool that allows you to see under water (albeit not perfectly). The second is a cheat that allows him to fly over the bridge. Once over the bridge, you can save your state and turn off this cheat (it's on by default). Download it from the N64 - UltraHLE section. Thanks to jandaman for the new patches.

Tuesday, December 14th, 1999
New OverClocked Comic, and Funny This Time:
Well, today's OverClocked was once again missing an ending (what's new). However, this time David Lloyd (the creator) was on IRC as I was beating my head against my desk at the obvious omission of the final cell. I passed my idea on to David and now this comic has a funny ending (as all comics should IMHO). Check it out at the above link. It also includes furry animal art by Exodus3D. You can also vote on if this comic is funny.

Monday, December 13th, 1999
Asteroids Deluxe Background Updated:
The Asteroids Deluxe background for MAME has been updated by JUE. It's also FAR better then the last one. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Thanks to Ashame for the news.

Redump v2.5 Released:
Redump is a great tool by smf that converts NeoGeo mgd2 dumps to MVS format. Version 2.5 now converts Burning Fight to MVS format (which will be needed in the next release of MAME). Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Thanks to SYS2064 for the file.

Is Penny Arcade Funny?
Check out this comic: Penny Arcade: The Longest Line, then place your vote: Is Penny Arcade Funny?. Maybe it's just me, but on my funny scale, this comic is about a 1 (10 being the best). Hopefully, this poll will tell me if it's only me that finds little humor in this. Thanks to atila for the link.

EMU+ Updated:
EMU+ v0.36 beta 11 has been "fixed". It's really version v0.36 beta 11.1, but the MAME license says you can't change the version number, so this is v0.36 beta 11 "fixed". Stupid, I know. Anyway, this release fixes the following, some of which are MAME bugs and not EMU+ ones:
  • Fixed the remaining listsample, listsamdir, verifysamples, listinfo bugs (I think that I got em all) (Tomahawk, gorf, wow, invinco, etc, etc, etc)
  • Fixed the screen bugs (1/2, 1/3 screen syndrome). This apparently was due to the screen centering code from OPTImame. Works fine on my pc, but looks like other folks were having problems. (Could be my implementation of the code. I don't know some monitor/video card combos DID NOT LIKE IT.). The mame.cfg file has a nocenter param now. Use -nocenter from the command line to turn off centering or set it to nocenter = Yes in the mame.cfg file. Set nocenter = No to turn it back on for the folks that have no problems with the center code.
  • Added support for the MVS redumps of Burning Fight. (bnfight and bnfighth).
  • Don't forget to delete your cfg files. Weird things happen. I'm going to move the overclock and autofire settings out of here so it wont mess up the official version cfg files.
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

N64 Banjo-Kazooie is now Playable!
Just when you think ini editing for UltraHLE is dead, someone patches a once broken game and makes it playable. Therefore, UltraINI v1.0.20 is released with this game patched. Download it from the N64 - UltraHLE section. Thanks to Kong K Rool for writing the patch and jandaman for the heads up.

Sunday, December 12th, 1999
Unofficial MAME32 with Auto-fire:
A second build of P2L97's Unofficial MAME32 with auto-fire has been made. This build takes the current MAME32 v0.36 beta 11 source and includes the auto-fire code. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

MAME32 v0.36 Beta 11 Released!
The official MAME32 v0.36 beta 11 has been released. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Thanks to Kevin M. for the news.

Saturday, December 11th, 1999
EmuDX Galaxian and Frogger Progress:
Mike has been busy at work on his EmuDX emulator. He now has Galaxian and Frogger emulated and deluxed (in typical EmuDX fashion). Check out the two screen shots at left. I tried out a private beta that plays both and they are near perfect (only lacking sound). The new front-end is working nicely as well. Check out the EmuDX site above for more screen shots and info or download the latest public release version from the Arcade Emulation section.

Friday, December 10th, 1999
PMAME and AMAME Updated:
Rodimus Prime's AMAME and PMAME have been updated to version 0.36 beta 11. Download them from the M.A.M.E. section or from Rodimus' site here on Arcade@Home.

MAME32ASM with Netplay:
MAME32ASM is another unofficial MAME32 compile but this time using assembly cores and with netplay turned on. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

NeoGeoCD v0.80 Released:
The NeoGeoCD emulator was updated to version 0.80. This release includes the following:
  • Made better use of 68000 core. 15-25% faster
  • ADPCM emulation, partial YM2610 emulation
  • Fixed some problems with CDDA
  • Fixed auto anims speed
  • Fixed a bug in memory card management
  • Ability to set up audio volumes direct from emulator
Download from the Console Emulation section.

Unofficial MAME32 with Autofire Updated:
The unofficial MAME32 with autofire compiled by P2L97 has been updated to v0.36 beta 11. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section or from his site Unofficial MAME32.

HiVE v1.04 Released:
HiVE (High Velocity Emulator) has been updated to version 1.04. This is an ultra fast emulator that emulates more then 35 arcade games. New to this release includes:
  • Added support for Arkanoid, Scramble, Time Pilot, Pooyan, Amidar, Frogger and Metro Cross
  • As always, all new games support load/save state and hiscore save.
  • I was going to add Namco's Dragon Buster and Baraduke since they are similar to drivers I've already done, but the games are so bad that it's not worth my time.
  • Sped up SkyKid and PacLand and did minor speed-ups in other games.
  • Improved the user interface to allow total control from the keyboard.
  • Removed the rarely needed option called "SoftStretch 2X".
  • Added preliminary mouse support for paddle games such as Super Breakout and Arkanoid.
  • I coded a AY-3-8910 sound chip emulator which seems to work reasonably and now will allow me to emulate many more games from 1980-86
  • I still don't have a 8039 nor 68000 CPU emulator, but I may eventually tackle these projects. The problem is that few games that I like require these CPU's.
Download it from the Arcade Emulation section.

Thursday, December 9th, 1999
PSEmu v1.0.21b "Leaked" Beta?:
PSEmu is a PSX emulator that stopped development when someone released a leaked beta. Well, come to find out, the leaked beta is right on their site at the above link. (it's the "PSEmu 1.0.21 upgrade" link). I Don't know if this means they're going to restart development or what. But for now, it's available for download. Thanks to Darren for the link.

Saddest Thing I've Ever Read:
This true story about a 9 year old boy from Memphis, Tennessee who's mother died over a month ago yet he tried to hide it to avoid going to an orphanage is one of the saddest things I've ever read. Thanks to DerkX for the news.

Xmame v0.36 Beta 11 Released:
Xmame (the X11/Unix port of MAME) has been upgreaded to v0.36 beta 11. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Wednesday, December 8th, 1999
Improved Samples for Turbo and Pole Position:
Dith has released improved samples for Pole Position and Turbo. Besides being cleaner, they are also a little smaller. Download them from the M.A.M.E. section.

MacMAME v0.36 Beta 11 Released:
MacMAME gets updated to v0.36 beta 11. New in this version includes:
  • In sync with DOS beta 11. [Brad Oliver]
  • Fixed problems with the listbox highlight ring drawing improperly under MacOS 9. [John Butler]
  • Added support for playing a splash movie at startup. MacMAME will look for a movie called "MacMAME.mov" and will use it if found. We recommend the movie by Dave Dries which has been circulating around the 'net as it was specifically designed for this. [John Butler]
  • Added some fixes for RAVE mode when using 16-bit video. [Brad Oliver]
  • Many changes to the code to make it Carbon-compliant. There are still pieces which won't work under Carbon, but the bulk of what can be changed at this time has been. [John Butler, Brad Oliver]
  • Added NSC805 PPC CPU core based off the 6800 core. [Aaron Giles]
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Also, the MAME movie can be downloaded from Arcade@Home as well.

Tuesday, December 7th, 1999
Christmas Decorating:
If you can't see the Christmas decorations on Arcade@Home, clear your cache and reload/refresh. I'd also like to welcome Exodus3D the new graphic designer for Arcade@Home (yes, she's also my maid). You can check out her site at the topic link. Give her a warm welcome.

MESS v0.36 Beta 11 Released:
MESS v0.36 beta 11 has been updated. Download it from the Console Emulation section. Thanks to MikeDX for the news.

EmuDX to Include a Front-End:
The next release of EmuDX (that great emulator with enhanced graphics and sound) should include a Raine like front-end so you can change the settings without exiting. Mike has been sick, but he's starting to work on it again. Hopfully we'll see a new beta shortly.

EMU+ v0.36 Beta 11 Released:
EMU+ has been updated after taking a break from beta 9 and 10. This release adds many great new features on top of it's already impressive feature list. New features in this version include:
  • Your Overclock/Underclock settings now are saved on a per-game basis. Once you set them they stay. No need to redo this. Your autofire delay also saves on a per-game basis.
  • Added Opti-Mame and Mame-Joy dual mouse support, analog changes, and screen centering code. (Thanks to Robert and Andy again) Side Note: I can't test this so I hope it works (Dual Mouse). Make sure to read the README.TXT in the mouse subdir
  • Relabeled the Neogeo buttons in cheat mode (Button 5 is A+B, etc, etc)
  • Added SFA/PNICKU Changes
  • Fixed Mad Motor
  • Fixed List Samples
Make sure you delete all cfg files from your cfg directory or the overclocking will be messed up the first time you play. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Monday, December 6th, 1999
ZSNES v0.988 Released:
ZSNES version 0.988 with both C/ASM and ASM cores have been released. The following was added to this version:
  • Added some SA-1 speed hacks (Kirby DX/Parodius 3)
  • Implemented SDD-1 MMC. But none of the SDD-1 games run properly yet because of the compression chip.
  • Fixed up some slowdown problems in SA-1 games
  • Fixed up dirty CPUID fix for Cyrix CPUs so that you don't have to re-run Zsnes twice every time.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

MAME Screen Shots Updated:
The on-line MAME screen shots for all MAME games has been updated to include the new beta 11 games. I've also added a "New!" flag to each game that's new or has a new clone. Check it out at the above link.

Sunday, December 5th, 1999
MAME v0.36 Beta 11 Released!
MAME v0.36 beta 11 has been released. New drivers included with this version include:
  • Pole Position [Aaron Giles, Ernesto Corvi, Juergen Buchmueller]
  • Pole Position II [Aaron Giles, Ernesto Corvi, Juergen Buchmueller]
  • Dragon Buster [Manuel Abadia]
  • Sky Kid [Manuel Abadia]
  • Atari Soccer [Brad Oliver]
  • Cisco Heat [Luca Elia]
  • F1 Grand Prix Star [Luca Elia]
  • The Percussor [Zsolt Vasvari]
  • Turbo [Aaron Giles, Ernesto Corvi]
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Raine v0.27e Released:
Slight change for Raine which adds some alternate archive names to match the MAME sets (amhorse -> horshoes, ctribebl -> ctribeb, doubled3 -> ddragon3). You can get it from the Arcade Emulation section. Thanks to ezel for this build. =)

Saturday, December 4th, 1999
Raine v0.27b Released:
No sooner do I post that nothing is going on, something does. =) Raine v0.27b has been released. This version adds a new game Mahou Daisakusen and the following changes:
  • Added mahoudai. Fixed sound.
  • Increase music tempo in raizing games.
  • Fixed keypad input.
  • Fixed non-removed dsw problem when changing games.
  • Fixed %ebp trashing caused by gcc 2.95.2 (fixes several games).
  • Added [General] no_cpu_check to raine.cfg (disable check_cpu in about window).
  • Fixed pbobble2 missing sprites.
  • listdsw option (hi ne7).
Download it from the Arcade Emulation section.

No News?:
Nope, nothing interesting to report :( I'm guessing we won't see a new MAME till tomorrow, but I don't think even Nicola knows for sure. I guess I could make something up about some guy being killed in a drive-by shooting when he's actually alive or report on a leaked N64 emulator's source code which really isn't leaked at all, but that's just not my thing =) I'd rather only post relevant news that's been confirmed, hence today's lack of any news. Hopefully, tomorrow we will see a new MAME with Pole Position and Turbo!

Friday, December 3rd, 1999
Arcade@Home Closes?:
If anyone actually believed that, you were fooled =) I was joking about OverClocked's joke that they are also shut down. Neither are true, both David Lloyd and myself have thicker skins then that. Also, I was joking with atila when I saw the blurb on his site (which made him update his news twice). =) Check out the OverClocked comic at the above link, there's a good one about all this today =)

Thursday, December 2nd, 1999
Internet Explorer Gaming Skins:
Want to spruce up your browser? Give it an Arcade@Home or MAME skin. "Branding" Internet Explorer isn't new, but this method makes it easy. Check out the three current gaming skins at the above link. I'll add the section somewhere in the near future. If you're not running Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows, don't bother, it won't work.

Hagstrom Electronics' New KE72 Encoder:
When building a control panel or an arcade cabinet to use with a PC, one of the biggest questions always is how to interface with it. Some use hacked gamepads, others use programmable keyboard controllers. I've been sending people to Hagstrom Electronics For their excellent programmable keyboard encoders (with 24 individual inputs). Because of all the people out there building these control panels and arcade cabinets, they have developed a product JUST for us! The unit is the KE72 and here are a list of some its features:
  • 72 individual inputs (no ghosting and no matrix problems)
  • Any input can output up to 32 keystrokes when pressed and up to 16 when released
  • Programmable with the keyboard or serial port.
  • Option for a mouse/trackball interface with a Happ Controls trackball (KE72-T). You can also upgrade to this model.
  • Option to mount in a PCI slot for a clean installation (it doesn't actually use the PCI interface so it can be use externally as well)
  • Easy connection to your control panel with 2-IDE 40-pin cables
  • Will convert ASCII characters on the serial port to keystrokes on the keyboard port
  • $119.95 for the KE72 and $139.95 for the KE72-T (trackball interface version)
I can't wait to evaluate the KE72-T. I'll get back to you on how well it works. Check out additional details about it at the above link and the image link at the left. Thanks to aj berman for the news.

Wednesday, December 1st, 1999
Bit Age Times #3 is On-Line:
The newsletter for the second generation of video games has a new issue up! Included in this issue are:
  • A look at Christmas games!
  • Review of Baseball Stars 2 and North & South
  • The Fanatical Following of the Turbo Graphx
  • Why we need Nintendo Emulators
  • And a whole lot more!
Check it out at the above link.

Overcocked Comic:
I'm not a huge fan of the Overclocked Comic. I think it's cool that someone is writing an emulation specific Comic, I just don't find them funny (well, I think one made me chuckle a little). Anyway, here's a spoof of Overclocked called Overcocked. Now this one *did* make me laugh (at least the last frame did). Thanks to PACHUKA for the comic.

EMU+ News:
No news about EMU+ in some time (EMU+ is an enhanced version of MAME). However, GeoShock talked to danmanya (main coder of EMU+) about future plans. We won't see EMU+ till beta 11 of MAME, but when we do, we should see the following additions:
  • Adding Andy's optimame code to emu+ for the folks who use arcade cabinets. I am also adding some other things....
  • The ability to map the addition buttons in CHEAT mode... (a+b, c+d, b+c+d, a+b+c+d) (NEOGEO mainly)
  • Plus the ability to save your overclock settings per game...
  • I am also researching the ability to add rumble support to certain games for folks with psx pads with the rumble feature
Can't wait to see it. Remember that EMU+ is hosted right here on Arcade@Home.

Easy IRC Chatting:
I believe this should be an easy way to get on IRC EFnet. If you don't know what IRC is, it's an on-line live chatting network that's VERY popular. EFnet is also the most popular of IRC networks. Anyway, just download the above file and extract it using WinZIP or similar program to your C:\ directory. It should create a C:\mirc directory and an icon on your desktop. Double click on the mirc32 icon and it should run. Enter your information for the Full name and E-mail address fields. The Nickname and Alternate fields should be the nicknames you want to use. With thousands of people running IRC, nicks like Bob won't work. Maybe --Bob-- or something more creative (it can be up to 9 characters long). Finally click Connect to IRC Server and wait while it tries to find a server that you can access (this could take some time). If you connect, you should be in the #arcade channel. If you have any problems, please DON'T contact me. I created this to hopefully help people, but there's no way I can support IRC nor the mIRC client. Happy chatting...

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