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News from November 2000

Thursday, November 30th, 2000
DreamGBC v0.4 Released
The GameBoy/GameBoy Color emulator DreamGBC was updated to v0.4. Here's what's new:
  • Fixed a GB controller bug,TAKARA's fighting games work correctly
  • Completely rewritten GB Window code,many games have perfect graphics
  • Data write to SRAM is automatically backuped to HDD and restored when emulator start
  • Added support to MBC2 carts
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

ArcadeOS v2.43 Released
The excellent DOS front-end for MAME and for those with MAME cabinets ArcadeOS has been updated to v2.43. Here's what's new:
  • Memory overwrite bug fixed. This was the biggie and caused a whole heap of problems - the following were the most common (all now fixed)
    • 'select sound card' message when running MAME games
    • 'garbage' occansionally appearing in the game config menu
    • 'garbage' occansionally appearing in mame.cfg
    • config items not being saved/set
  • AOS now generates game lists correctly when used with AdvanceMAME
  • AOS nolonger overwrites config changes made inside an emulator. This is useful for Emus like AdvanceMAME , ZSNES etc. which have UI's that let you change config items while running the emulator. Now, if you change a value inside an Emu which is *not* covered by AOS's configs for that emulator - those changes will not be discarded by AOS after you exit the Emu.
  • PSX pad support fixed this is now working again
  • 'Merged ROMs' option can now be set per emulator rather than globally
  • AOS now checks for available space before creating temporary workfiles
Download it from the Front-Ends section.

Wednesday, November 29th, 2000
DreamGBC v0.3 Released
The GameBoy/GameBoy Color emulator DreamGBC was updated to v0.3. Here's what's new:
  • Fixed a sprite transparency bug
  • Fixed a sprite overlay bug.Sangokushi have perfect title(and the rest)
  • Fixed a bug that will mess up some game
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Tuesday, November 28th, 2000
FreezeSMS build 95 Released
The SMS emulator for Windows FreezeSMS has been updated to build 95. This release adds sound support among other things. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

ZSNES v1.14 Released
The most excellent Nintendo SNES emulator ZSNES has been updated to v1.14. There are versions for both DOS and Windows. Here's what's new:
  • Fixed configuration files from removing spaces from directory names
  • (DOS) Fixed 640x480 vesa2 scanline+interpolation display problem
  • (Win32) Improved Windows speed in 32-bit windowed mode. Should give around an 18% speed increase in FPS.
  • (Win32) More netplay improvements. Shouldn't be as jumpy when one side lacks input.
  • (Win32) Starting netplay will now force the max frameskip to 3 if it is less than it and also force on auto frameskip.
  • (Win32) MMX optimised netplay with back buffer enabled.
  • (Win32) Fixed load state in netplay to load properly instead of sometimes stalling for no reason
  • (DOS) Accidently deleted the code to initialize IPX. Fixed now.
  • Fixed a configuration loading problem when loading ZSNES from a different directory.
  • (Win32) Attempted to fix those out of sync problems (although I don't know if it's fixed now since those problems rarely happen to me)
  • (Win32) Displayed the current filename in the load window for those files with extra long names.
  • (Win32) Added nickname support to NetPlay. There's a 9 character nickname size limit.
  • (Win32) Added actions to chat (similar to how mIRC works - use /me )
  • (Win32) Nicknames can be changed in the windowed chat by typing /nick
  • Added a small buffer to the in-game chat to allow up to 5 chat strings displayed at once.
  • Local chat strings now appear in that buffer
  • Thickened black borders on the 5x5 font
  • Extended in-game chat length by around 30 characters
  • Fixed up Interpolation
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Monday, November 27th, 2000
What should Gore do now?
Fox News did a poll where 93.4% believe that Gore should concede now that he as lost the state of Florida and the presidency. What are your thoughts? Lets hear your opinion and vote at the above link.

AdriPSX Win v00.11.24 Released
Another update of this Sony PlayStation emulator. Here's what's new:
  • Added two players support
  • Implemented support for PSEmuPro's pad plugins
  • Big improvements on Root Counters' interupts
  • Better music and sound support
  • Slightly speed up in GTE
  • Correction in Boot Sequence, now SYSTEM.CNF loads first
Download it from the PlayStation section.

Sunday, November 26th, 2000
Bush Wins! (for the 4th time)
Click here for a larger image President Elect George W. Bush has won the popular vote in Florida by 537 votes and has been certified the winner for the presidency! Here's a time-line:
  • 11/7 - Original count, Bush wins the popular vote in Florida and the election.
  • 11/10 - Auto recount, Bush wins the popular vote in Florida and the election.
  • 11/14 - Tuesday deadline, Bush wins the popular vote in Florida and the election.
  • 11/26 - Florida Supreme Court deadline, Bush wins the popular vote in Florida and the election.
Okay, Bush has won this election 4 times and has now been certified the winner and President Elect. But, I'm sure the Sore Loserman team will continue to try to change the outcome of the election because, well, they're sore losers obviously. Check out the new Democratic seal at the above link.

MAME WIP Updates
Latest MAME Work-In-Progress shows the following happening over the last couple of days:
  • November 26th, 2000: Peter Trauner fixed several issues in the i86 CPU core and sent in a preliminary version of runtime driver loading support, allowing drivers and CPU and sound cores to be loaded separately from the executable when needed.
  • November 25th, 2000: Jarek Burczynski implemented source bitmap scanline duplication in the tilemap system, and added Sonic Blast Man to the Taito B driver. Peter Trauner fixed some problems in the M6502 CPU core.
  • November 24th, 2000: Yochizo sent in a driver for Argus and Valtric, but Argus is not working properly yet.
  • November 23rd, 2000: Bernd Wiebelt and Aaron Giles fixed several problems in the YMZ280B sound core.
  • November 22nd, 2000: Yochizo fixed some graphics problems in Dynamite League.
Check out the screen shots at the above links.

TR64 WIP 4 Released
The Nintendo 64 emulator TR64 has been updated to WIP4. This release adds faster speed and what the authors describe as "music to your ears" [maybe sound?]. This version requires DirectX 8, so make sure you upgrade to this first before even trying the latest TR64. Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

Saturday, November 25th, 2000
RockNES v1.600 Released
The excellent Nintendo NES emulator RockNES has been updated to v1.600. Here's what's new:
  • Added a ppu tile caching system, sped up the things
  • Added a decent savestate format -- NOT compatible with the old ones
  • Added a new method for noise luts, much clean
  • Added mapper #180 (Nichibutsu, game Crazy Climber supported)
  • Added preliminary VS UniSystem reads handler (Atari RBI Baseball works), thanks to xodnizel
  • Added a cheap hack to get Paris-Dakar Rally Special working (map66)
  • Fixed a major bug in the mapper #40 (SMB2j) reset
  • Fixed mapper #83 CHR bankswitch (World Heroes2 works)
  • Fixed mapper #232 (BF9096 chip - used by Codemasters' Quattro carts)
  • Fixed mapper #233 (the '20-in-1' half works, 'reset' to active)
  • Fixed nametables dumping (dumping the entire $400 data in a .nam file)
  • Fixed major problems in the sound startup routines
  • Fixed number of cpu cycles per sprite DMA transfer
  • Fixed ppu layout (frame starts at VBlank)
  • Fixed ppu latch system and ppu reads, thanks to Ki for his findings (pass ok in the tests programs).
  • Fixed mirroring state saving (when a mapper uses a custom mirroring)
  • Tweaks in the FDS driver, more games are working
  • Cleaned up the 16k CHR RAM support code, used by mapper #13
  • Expanded ROM information display
  • Whoops, removed "dump pattern addresses" option from GUI
  • General cleanups to boost the performance
  • Added a 'secret' mapper, I will tell you later... ;-)
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Friday, November 24th, 2000
MAME Needed Soon
Bob's Arcade Emulation has updated its MAME Needed Soon section to include several new games that should be included in the next release of MAME. Download them from the ROM Files section.

InfoNES v0.68 Released
The Nintendo NES emulator InfoNES for Windows was updated to v0.68. Here's what's new:
  • Added 74161/32 Capcom(iNES #94)
  • Added Konami VRC 3(iNES #73)
  • Added Jaleco Early Mapper #0(iNES #72)
  • Added Namcot 109(iNES #76)
  • Fixed Sprite #0 Hit Timing
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Thursday, November 23rd, 2000
VisualBoy v1.4.7 Released
The Nintendo GameBoy emulator for Windows and DirectX 7 has been updated to v1.4.7. This version includes the following:
  • Several SGB fixes (Wario Blast, Harvest Moon, King of Fighters, etc)
  • Fixes for Pokemon Red/Blue/Gold/Silver for the automatic emulator type
  • Added the old 320x240 full screen mode as an option
  • SGB multiplayer support for up to 4 players
  • Crash problem fix for changing the joypad configuration
  • GameShark fixes
  • FAQ in the ZIP file and in the download webpage
  • Italian translation (thanks Dax)
  • Norwegian translation (thanks Christian)
  • Greek translation (thanks Nick)
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Heh, Evil Gore
Heh, someone broke into my server and changed the picture of Gore above to have evil devil-like eyes. I swear I didn't do it, but it's funny none the less.

HydraHLE v3b Released
The enhanced version of the Nintendo 64 emulator UltraHLE has been released. HydraHLE v3b adds support to run on Windows 2000. However, it may not work so version 3a is still available. Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

Happy Turkey Day!
Eat turkey, drink beer, watch football, and fall asleep on the couch. If you're not from the US, that just about sums up Thanksgiving. I think next year I'll kill and clean my own turkey. Something about eating something you killed yourself. =)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2000
Retrogaming Times #39 Released
Another issue is ready for you to read during the holidays! This issue features the following articles:
  • Reviews of Snow Bros and Turkey Shoot!
  • What is a Classic Game? by Fred Wagaman
  • Geoff Voigt lists all the classic video game shows and meetings!
  • Follow-up article on getting American systems to work on PAL TVs.
  • A whole lot more!
Check out the always fun and free issue at the above link.

Tuesday, November 21st, 2000
Snoopy Simulator Released
MADrigal has released his 17th simulator: Snoopy (Nintendo - Table Top Series). Download it from his site at the above link.

Callus95 v0.42p2.4 Released
The arcade emulator Callus95 has been updated to version 0.42p2.4. Here's what's new:
  • Added support for:
    • King of Dragons, The (USA)
    • Knights of the Round (USA)
    • Saturday Night Slam Masters (USA)
    • Street Fighter II (USA 910522)
    • Warriors of Fate (USA)
  • Other changes:
    • Removed sfzch with qsound from showing in the gamelist, instead its selected in the callus95.ini file by turning 'sfzch_qsound' on.
  • Bugs Removed and Fixes:
    • Fixed a small bug that stopped CTRL+1 being pressed at the same time while using a HOTROD joystick. There are still some issues that need to be fixed. A Big thanks to Hanaho (http://www.hanaho.com/products/HotRodJoystick/) for the donation of a Hotrod SE joystick to help get more compatibility with our patches.
    • In general this release should now be stable in all winNT versions.
Download it from the Arcade Emulation section.

More MAME WIP Updates
Latest MAME Work-In-Progress shows the following happening over the last couple of days:
  • November 21st, 2000: Takahiro Nogi fixed TT Mahjong input ports. Aaron Giles fixed another bug in the ASM 68k core. Yochizo fixed some graphics bugs in the Omega Fighter / Atomic Robokid driver. Gerardo Oporto fixed Senjyo dip switch settings.
  • November 20th, 2000: Aaron Giles fixed vertical flip and graphics priority problems in Rabbit Punch, cleaned up the Leland driver a bit and added Stompin' to the Bally/Sente driver. Gerardo Oporto fixed Twinbee dip switch settings. Keith Wilkins sent in an update to the discrete sound system, fixing some sound problems in Asteroids and Lunar Lander.
Check out the screen shots at the above links.

AGES v0.23b Released
AGES is a Sega Genesis/32x/Sega CD emulator for Windows. This version fixes color problems with v0.23a. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Monday, November 20th, 2000
SMYNES v1.15 Released
The commercial Nintendo NES emulator for Windows SMYNES was upgraded to v1.15. Here's what's new:
  • Improved auto frame skip function. Now it can display nearly 60 frames during one second.
  • Added partial Familycomputer Disk System sound channel (except the vibration funtion).
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Who Will be the Next President?
At this point in the election struggle, who is most likely to be our next president? The Harris Poll asked this question and 71% voted for Bush and 15% voted for Gore. Lets hear your opinion and vote at the above link.

Latest MAME WIP Updates
Latest MAME Work-In-Progress reports show the following happening over the last few days:
  • November 19th, 2000: Aaron Giles fixed some more ASM 68k core bugs, added two new graphics drawing functions for scanline exact video emulation and converted a huge amount of drivers to use the new functionality.
  • November 18th, 2000: Aaron Giles updated the MCR drivers' video routines to use pixel plotting functions instead of direct bitmap drawing, and he fixed some graphics priority problems in Pac 'n Pal. Yochizo sent in a driver for Taito H system, supporting Syvalion, Record Breaker and Dynamite League. Nicola Salmoria fixed a stupid bug in Mr. Do! color PROM decoding, and he fixed music tempo and colors in Wiping.
Check out the screen shots at the above links.

AGES v0.23a Released
AGES is a Sega Genesis/32x/Sega CD emulator for Windows. Here's what's new:
  • Sped up Sega CD emulation by 44% (why is it always this particular number?!?!!?)
  • Boosted Sega CD compatibility, but not by nearly as much as I predicted from my preliminary testing. :'(
  • Eliminated need for preformatted Sega CD internal BRM. AGES will automatically format it if the file is not present. If the file is present and is somehow corrupted, you will have to delete it or use the BIOS to re-format it.
  • Added error message suppression (for instance the UnRAR.DLL error)
  • Made file filters dynamic (.RAR is not shown anymore if UnRAR.DLL is not found)
  • Non-16-bit displays won't shutdown AGES now, but you still can't use non-16-bit modes.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Liberty v1.2.1 Released
Liberty (a Nintendo GameBoy emulator) has been updated to v1.2.1. Here's what's new:
  • GameBoy screen emulation fixes
      Fixed some graphic and interrupt glitches that affected the display and playability of some games.
  • Saved game fix
      Added some sanity type checks in the state compression code to catch *very* rare situations where a soft-reset can occur (ie: checking bounds etc - slower, but, safer)
  • ROM beaming fix
      Modification of the beaming code to prevent the "unknown file format" error message from being presented when a rom image with a "." character in the name was beamed.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Sunday, November 19th, 2000
AdriPSX Updated
The PlayStation emulator AdriPSX has been updated for both Windows and DOS. The DOS version is more advanced than the Windows version, but for this release, most of the chances have been with the Windows version. Download it from the PlayStation section.

Saturday, November 18th, 2000
G-NES v0.46 Released
The Nintendo NES emulator for Windows G-NES has been updated to v0.46. Here's what's new:
  • Adjustment of NMI timing. - CPU was stopped at DMA. The gap of graphic of games which are twofold above and various came to be settled and operate. - The behavior when $2006 is written is corrected. The flicker of (*suparmariobrazarz*) was settled. - The correction of behavior (Only C core :) to the undefined operation code. The hierarchy of murderous intent came to operate. - Mike mounting. The operation confirmation is done only with Doraemon (Hudson). - The behavior at the time of 2002 reading is corrected. Die Hard normality operation. ¦Part related to sound
  • The PCM interrupt timing and the state of IRQ were made accurate. (*romanshia*) came to be displayed neatly. Title screen
  • When frequency sweep of short ?? channel 1 decreased, the complement of one was used. - The frequency upper bound of short ?? was neatly installed. - Frequency adjustment of noise channel. - Frequency adjustment of PCM channel. You should have become faithful to a real machine. - The emu rate of frame IRQ was made accurate. Frame IRQ was caused excluding (*mappar*) 1, 2, and 3. Jesus normality operation. The problem occurs somewhat by DQ1 and 2. - The Duty ratio counter was cleared at Key-On o'clock. The sound when the message flowed by Dragon Quest etc. came to ring neatly. -All aspects of FDS enhancing sound correction. The voice of the sound and the boss of the sword beam of Zelda's legend was reproduced and love soldier Nicol's sound etc. came to be reproduced. - All aspects of VRC-7 enhancing sound correction. I think that I came to hear it accordingly. - MMC5 enhancing sound correction. One of channels had not rung up to now.
  • CHR bank changing correction. SD (*gandamugachapon*) record of a war five operation.
  • CHR bank changing correction. - PRG bank changing correction. - Enhancing graphic mode mounting(The Split mode is excluded. )
  • IRQ timing correction
  • Almost all the games of MMC5 came to operate normally. A real-time saving : to part from the SNSS format greatly. [It] is not mounted neatly. I do not think that [it] operates normally though [it] operates tentatively. ¦GUI circumference etc.
  • When the menu was opened, the sound was stopped. - From AllFiles(*.*) in the compression file reading
  • Correction of bug with thing to erase file when files other than compression file are read
The what's new was computer translated from Japanese so if it sounds like Al Gore speaking, blame the translator. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

JAE Adds Mario Bros.
The JAE emulator (Java Arcade Emulation) has added Mario Bros. Play it on-line from Norbert Kehrer's site at the above link.

Friday, November 17th, 2000
Myzar Nemu.ini v1.7.2 Released
The Myzar INI file for Nemu64 has been released. This version includes the following playable games:
  • Tom and Jerry
  • Rugrats in Paris
  • WWF No Mercy
Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

More MAME WIP Updates
Latest MAME Work-In-Progress reports show the following happening over the last few days:
  • November 17th, 2000: Gerardo Oporto fixed dipswitches in Punchout. Aaron Giles fixed some color problems in Atari System 1 driver, combined the Toy Pop and Libble Rabble drivers and added flip screen support, fixed graphics priority problems in Shuuz and sent in a driver for an Atari prototype game called BeatHead.
  • November 16th, 2000: Mike Coates fixed some bugs in the CVS driver, added Heart Attack to it and fixed the broken Hunchback clones on different hardware. Aaron Giles fixed some opcode bugs in the ASM 68k core, and he cleaned up the Sega C2 driver. Keith Wilkins updated the discrete sound system again and added support for Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe.
  • November 15th, 2000: David Graves sent in a driver for World Grand Prix.
Check out the screen shots at the above links.

Liberty v1.2 Released
Liberty (a Nintendo GameBoy emulator) has been updated to v1.2. Here's what's new:
  • Partial "terrible" sound support! DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT SOUND QUALITY. The Palm was not designed for this. We managed to get partial support without hurting speed. If we get complaints, we'll take it back out! ;-)
  • Many compatibility fixes. Donkey Kong Land 3 now runs!
  • Individual game configurations. Now you may adjust the color, sound and frame rate for each game you play if you wish.
  • Improved Screen emulation giving increased Speed. We see 40%-70% in most games!!!
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Thursday, November 16th, 2000
Nation Plunges Into Chaos
Part of The Onion's continuing Mayhem 2000 coverage they are reporting: "WASHINGTON, DC--Presidential-election-related violence continued to spread across the nation Tuesday, with Day Seven of the battle for the White House claiming another 1,200 lives." Also, check out the following Mayhem 2000 news stories you won't hear in the mainstream media:Disclaimer: The Onion is a satire site and any news that ends up being real is purely by accident.

Election Fun
Here's a few of the funny election images I've been receiving over the last week ("vote" to see the images):

    Sore Loserman 2000 ––>

    Bush Mini Me ––>

    Bush County Map ––>


    <–– New Palm Beach Ballot  

    <–– Voting for Dummies

    <–– Gotta count 'em all!

Thanks to Prophet for my new link layout and to Bill Rice, Brett Burnell, and others for the images.

Mets Call for New World Series
"The New York Mets announced Wednesday they are petitioning Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig and the US District Court in New York City to get an additional inning added to Game 5 of the World Series, which they lost to the Yankees by a score of 4-2."

Read the full story at the above link. Thanks to my political correspondent, Bill Rice for the news.

YAME v0.22 Released
The multi-console emulation YAME was updated to v0.22. YAME emulates GameBoy Color, Super GameBoy, NES, & TurboGrafx 16. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Wednesday, November 15th, 2000
ZSNES v1.12 Released
The Windows and DOS release of ZSNES has been updated to v1.12. If you've been living under a rock, ZSNES is arguably the best Super Nintendo (SNES) emulator. Here's what's new:
  • (Win32) Hopefully fixed up those green display bugs in scanlines/2xSaI in 1:5:5:5 16bit modes.
  • (Win32) Improved lost packet recovery time and reduced the number of lost packet stalls in UDP netplay (should produce more fluid netplay)
  • (Win32) Fixed up crashing bug in Tales of Phantasia with a 512 byte header
  • Extended filename length of the Quick Menu
  • (Win32) Hopefully fixed up the mouse wheel support for certain mice
  • Temp .ZIP directory is now cleared if it exists prior to another .ZIP file being loaded.
  • (Win32) Improved DirectInput error handling
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

MAME Needed Soon
Check out Bob's Arcade Emulation for the latest MAME Needed Soon games for the next release of MAME. Visit the ROM Files section for Arcade Emulation.

More MAME WIP News
Here's the latest MAME Work-In-Progress news:
  • November 14th, 2000: Mike Coates submitted the Century Video System driver written by him and Malcolm Lear, supporting Hunchback, Hero, Hunchback Olympic, Cosmos, Dark Warrior, Video Eight Ball, Logger, Dazzler, Wall Street, Radar Zone, Gold Bug and Superbike. Gerardo Oporto fixed dip switches in the Toaplan2 driver. Aaron Giles fixed a bug in CPU interface that caused suspended CPUs to never get released, and he fixed a small bug in the -listinfo command. Bryan McPhail fixed K051649 sound problems in Haunted Castle, and he fixed a bug in the NEC CPU core which affected scoring in Bomberman World. Sean Young submitted some bug fixes for Z80's undocumented opcodes.
  • November 13th, 2000: John and Philip Bennett improved the World Cup '90 sounds, but it still lacks drum samples. Aaron Giles fixed some problems in the ASM 68k core.
  • November 12th, 2000: Paul Hampson submitted an almost perfect US Championship V'Ball driver, only some sound problems remain.
Check out the screen shots at the above links.

Redump v3.4 Released
Redump is a Neo-Geo MGD2 to MVS converter. This release adds a conversion for lbowling, minasan and ncommand and corrects the ridheroh conversion. Download it from the MAME Utilities section.

SSF v0.05r2 Released
It's not on their site but here's the latest release of SSF (Saturn emulator). Download it from the Console Emulation seciton.

FCE Ultra v0.40 Released
The Windows, DOS and Linux version of this Nintendo NES emulator has been updated to version 0.40. This version adds the following:
  • Rewrote MMC1 emulation code.
  • Added support for mappers 95, 113, and 118(thanks to M. Knibbs for the information).
  • Adjusted PPU/CPU timing.
  • Added partial support for the Famicom Disk System
  • Added support for 4(up from 2) joysticks.
  • Added support for sound frame IRQ's.
  • Rewrote sound envelope decay/length counter/sweep code to use sound frame emulation code.
  • Rewrote large portions of code to be more efficient and more correct.
  • Added support for mappers 42,43,44,45,46,47, and 182. (thanks to K. Horton for the information)
  • Improved support for mapper 15.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Monday, November 13th, 2000
ZSNESWin v1.11 Released
The Windows port of ZSNES has been updated to v1.11. Here's what's new:
  • ZSNESw won't crash anymore if you don't have a soundcard or if DirectSound fails to initialize.
  • Fixed a nasty performance bug with certain types of joystick/drivers installed, causing the FPS to be slower for no reason.
  • Wrote an MMX optimised blitter for 16bit non-D windowed and full screen modes.
  • Added simple wheel mouse support.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Famicommunist v1.0 Released
Famicommunist is a new Nintendo NES emulator for Windows. For a first release it's fairly good. Here's what it includes:
  • Vertical/Horizontal Scrolling
  • Very nice Pallete
  • Sound
  • Fullscreen, Doublescreen, and Window mode
  • Mapper supports for mappers 0 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 43(partial) 114(small portion) and 199
  • Frameskip(auto)/Framelimiter
  • Savestates 1-10
Try it out on the Console Emulation section.

Jum's A5200 v0.5a+ Win Released
Jum's A5200 emulator is an Atari 5200 emulator and now has a Windows port! Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Sunday, November 12th, 2000
MAME v0.37b9 Screen Shot Pack
The screen shot pack for MAME v0.37 beta 9 is now available from the Front-Ends section. Also, a complete set of MAME screen shots through v0.37 beta 9 is also available from the same page.

MESS v0.37 Beta 9 Released
The multi-console emulator MESS has been updated to the latest MAME source code. Download it from the Console Emulation seciton.

MAME v0.37b9 Screen Shots
The on-line MAME Screen Shot Browser is now up to date with the latest MAME release. Check it out at the above link.

Election News
I've moved the election news stuff up to the very top of the Breaking News page. If big news happens (like we finally pick a winner via tarot cards, drawing straws or arm wrestling) I'll post it here. But otherwise, breaking election news will be at the very top between the pictures of the two yahoos running for president.

The MAME Work-In-Progress page has been updated with the latest additions over the past several days:
  • November 11th, 2000: David Graves sent in preliminary Operation Wolf / Operation Thunderbolt drivers, however only Operation Thunderbolt works. Keith Wilkins updated the discrete sound system emulation to support Lunar Lander.
  • November 10th, 2000: Tatsuyuki Satoh fixed a bug in the Namco System 1 driver which affected World Stadium '90. Aaron Giles removed useless input ports from Mortal Kombat II, added a few new romsets and fixed the main set. Gerardo Oporto fixed the dipswitch settings in the M72 driver.
  • November 9th, 2000: Nicola Salmoria fixed the Outrun road graphics bugs. Luca Elia sent in a driver for American Speedway. Quench sent an updated Toaplan2 driver with text-layer scroll effect that fixes the ending scene in Armed Police Batrider.
  • November 8th, 2000: Yochizo sent in a driver for Omega Fighter and Atomic Robokid. Aaron Giles fixed the ASM 68k core to work with the new memory system.
  • November 7th, 2000: Keith Wilkins sent in a preliminary version of discrete sound system emulation, not supporting any game yet. Mathis Rosenhauer re-submitted the Hole Land driver with a few graphical glitches fixed.
  • November 6th, 2000: Aaron Giles fixed the Sega C2 driver to have correct CPU and audio frequencies. Andrea Mazzoleni fixed a bug in the joystick calibration routines.
  • November 5th, 2000: Phil Stroffolino updated Shoot Out to work without the sprite manager.
  • November 4th, 2000: Gerardo Oporto fixed Terra Cresta dip switches.
  • November 3rd, 2000: Yochizo fixed road color and music tempo in Daisenpu.
  • November 2nd, 2000: Guru added a few new Mortal Kombat romsets to the T-Unit and Y-Unit drivers. Aaron Giles cleaned up the Sega C2 driver and fixed some of the remaining problems.
Check out the screen shots at the above links and you can download several of these games from the ROM Files section.

Saturday, November 11th, 2000
MAME Needed Soon
Check out Bob's Arcade Emulation for the latest MAME Needed Soon games for the next release of MAME. Visit the ROM Files section for Arcade Emulation.

Confusing Ballots?
Click here for a larger image I didn't buy the "confusing ballot" argument, so I did some research at a county level in Florida looking at the percentage of people voting for Buchanan in each county. What I found WASN'T a huge increase in the percentage of Buchanan voters in Palm Beach county. Some of you may have seen a chart similar to this all over the media the last few days. It showed the NUMBER of votes for Buchanan, not the PERCENTAGE of votes. Because Palm Beach county is one of (if not the largest) county in the state, the number of votes for Buchanan would be expected to be higher. Now the question is, can you guess which column in this chart is the Palm Beach county votes for Buchanan? I'll give you a hint, it's not the one with the highest percentage of votes. You can discuss this chart and guess which one is Palm Beach on our Current Affairs forum. Does this make you change your opinion about this "confusing ballot"?

Bush Overtakes Gore in New Mexico!
Breaking news has been released from the Associated Press. They've reported that Bush has overtaken Gore by 17 votes in New Mexico. Also, only 5000-6000 votes seperate Bush from Gore in Oregon, Wisconsin, and Iowa. *NEVER* again do I want to hear anyone say their vote doesn't count.

Friday, November 10th, 2000
ZSNESWin v1.10 Released
ZSNES is one of the best (if not the best) SNES emulator for both Windows and DOS. The what's new is too long to display but the main feature added is netplay! Read the rest of the new features at this link and download it from the Console Emulation section. Thanks to VGN for the news.

Election News
I'm sure you've noticed the vote totals above have changed. Before I was using the Associated Press totals which I thought were accurate totals. However, I've now found a source for the real official totals which are now listed above. Anyway, I'm glad to see that today the Democrats are being more careful about saying they are ready to fight if the election doesn't go their way. I've read reports that several aids to Vice President Gore have warned him that fighting this out in court would be damaging to the Presidency, our voting system, Constitution, and his political career. They're still using the "popularity contest" argument which I think is their attempt to divide the nation and is the wrong thing to do. To keep repeating that Gore won the popular vote is an attempt to weaken our Constitution.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with the automatic recount (which Bush won) and I don't have a problem with local citizens trying to make a case that they think their ballot was misleading (that's their legal right and to prevent them from their rights would be wrong). However, doing a revote is not an option because there's no way we can turn back the clock and get an accurate vote as it would have been on Tuesday. "drdecept0" from our Current Affairs forum said it best like this:
    "The voting residents of West Palm beach have been subject to very much negative publicity from the vote and this may cloud their views while voting again. It would be like allowing a sequestered jury in a criminal trial to be allowed to interact with the public before the verdict is reached."
And to allow one county to vote for the president of the entire United States is also wrong. We are allowed one vote, and on election day. And there's no fraud here to justify a revote.

Gore still has a chance to get out of this without ruining his reputation, his political career, and any chance for a win in 2004. However, if he tries to fight it out in the courts, I think the country will turn on him. The same goes for Bush. If the absentee votes show that Bush lost, he needs to fully support Gore.

You can discuss this on our hugely popular Current Affairs forum. It's so popular that I had to bump up the number of simultaneous connections to the forum database from 100 to 1,000!

Climax Media Sites Down
Climax Media (known before as ZTNet) has been down for some time now (I heard 24 hours). It includes sites such as Retrogames, Zophar's Domain, and others. I've also heard no official reason for this outage which is odd. Anyway, let's hope that it's not a serious issue and they will be back on-line shortly.

MacMAME v0.37b9 Released
The Mac port of MAME has been updated to the latest source code v0.37 beta 9. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Project #51 beta 3 Released
Project #51 is a newer Nintendo NES emulator for Windows that has been updated to beta 3. Here's what's new:
  • Hopefully a very useful 6502 debugger is in place
  • Disassembly of cart image
  • Ability to set unlimited breakpoints
  • A RAM viewer
  • Display of CPU registers
  • We have started coding the sound engine.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Thursday, November 9th, 2000
Latest Election News
There's been a lot of legal threats from the Democrat party today which is sickening. I guess they don't have the character and love for our country that Nixon did who under about the same situation was a man and accepted defeat for the sake of our country. It all hinges on one county and 19,000 ballots that the Democrats claim were supposed to be voted for Gore but instead they voted for two people and were disqualified. However, we now learn that the last presidential election in the same county there were 15,000 disqualified ballots and there was a lower voter turn-out that year. We simply cannot allow a revote to happen when there wasn't fraud of any kind (a Democrat created the ballot and it was published in the newspaper and not a single person objected to it till AFTER they lost). This particular county has a history of this percentage of disqualified ballots so the choice is quite simple, do nothing. All across the country, hundreds of thousands of ballots are disqualified each election for double voting. Does it mean we need to have a revote for the entire country? Of course not. Also, the Democrats keep saying how they won the popular vote. This means absolutely nothing. In 1992 Clinton won only 43.3% of the votes yet there were no lawsuits (Bush has 5% more support of the nation that Clinton did). With estimates of maybe a million absentee votes not counted country wide, states such as Wisconsin and Iowa, which are both off by only about 5,000 votes and getting less all the time, they could switch to Bush electoral votes (total of 18). They are also within the 1/2% where there could be a recount like in Florida. Not to mention the 7 electoral votes in Oregon which there's only a spread of 3,000 votes with 98% of the votes tabulated.

What am I saying? I'm saying that we need to tabulate the votes that were made election day and the absentee votes and whoever wins we need to rally behind and whoever loses needs to be a man and accept it without challenging it in court. I don't object to recounts and I don't object to manually counting ballots. But, choosing our president in the courts or allowing a revote is TOTALLY out of the question. You can't just demand revotes until you get the results you want. If you want to discuss this, visit the Current Affairs forum.

Vintage Gaming Network Down
VGN's old domain is down for unknown reasons. Please change all your bookmarks to http://www.vg-network.com and don't use his old domain EVER again =)

MAME32 v0.37 Beta 9 Released
With all the electionmania, I totally missed MAME32 being released. Anyway, this brings it up to date with the latest MAME sournce. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

AdvanceMAME v0.37 Beta 9
AdvancedMAME has been updated to the latest v0.37 beta 9 MAME source code. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Real-Time Florida Vote Recount
It looks like this one will come right down to the wire! To keep everyone aware of the current status of this historic vote recount I've added the official real-time totals at the top of this page. Every 5 minuts the server gets new totals from the official Florida voting center. I've also set this page to refresh every 5 minutes (just for today) so you're always looking at the latest results. To discuss the election, please visit the Current Affairs forum.

CatVer.ini v0.37b9
mjf has released the latest update to the CatVer.ini file that can be used in the Arcade@Home front-end, MandLang32+ as well as other programs. Download it from the Front-Ends section. Update: I re-uploaded the catver.zip files because I incorrectly uploaded it as a text file instead of a binary file and that, of course, trashed the file. If you were having problems unzipping it, please download it again.

Unofficial MAME32 v0.37b9
P2L97's unofficial MAME32 with auto-fire gets updated to the latest MAME source code v0.37 beta 9. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

MameLang32+ 0.37 Beta 9
Take the latest DOS MAME source and add in the last MAME32 source code as well as multi-language and advanced features and you get MameLang32+. This version also offers updated Dutch language support. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

D-BOY v0.73 Released
The Nintendo GameBoy emulator for DOS D-BOY has been updated to v0.73. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Wednesday, November 8th, 2000
Site Search
The site search engine (at the very top of every page under the "Search" link) is continuing to be improved. It's now a more accurate search and includes a cool feature where your keyword(s) are highlighted and your browser will scroll to the first occurance of the keyword(s). To see this feature in action, do a search and to the right of the page title there will be a (Highlight) link. A good example is to search on "2600 portable" and click "Highlight" on the only page found. Bam, you jump right to the keywords and you will see them in bold and red. And I'm just getting started with this search engine too =)

George W. Bush Wins!
Well, currently he wins. The spread in Florida is less than 1/2% so there will be an automatic recount. However, recounts don't typically change the outcome and there are several hundred overseas military absentee ballots that have yet been counted (those typically vote Republican also). Anyway, this election makes a good case for our fore-founder's model of an electoral college because with the national popular vote so close (our own poll shows a virtual tie also), trying to get every state to do a recount would be a difficult or impossible task. With the electoral voting system, only one state needs to be recounted. With the Republicans controlling the White House, Senate and House of Representatives, they can get full credit or full blame for the next several years. Let's wish our newly elected officials the best of luck and the hope that things can be changed for the better. And what about the non-native of New York winning a Senate seat in New York and a deceased person winning a Senate seat in Missouri. Hello? You can still run for office and win if you're deceased? What's up with that? To talk more about this or other matters check out our new Current Affairs forum where just about anything goes =)

Tuesday, November 7th, 2000
Perfect MAME v0.37b9 Set!
Bob's Arcade Emulation now has a complete set of MAME v0.37b9 games! This includes the hard to find Mission 660! Go get them from the ROM Files section.

Emulation Exit Poll
If you ALREADY voted. Please take the above poll to get a pulse on the emulation public's political candidate. Only take the poll once and only after you've already voted. The poll and the results are available at the above link.

Election Day!
Well, for those in the US, it's election day. If you don't know who to vote for, do me a favor and vote for Bush. If your parents don't know who to vote for, have them do me a favor and vote for Bush. If you can't bring yourself or your parents to vote for Bush, then vote for Ralph Nader or Harry Browne. If you're going to vote for Bush, then make SURE you vote! If you were going to vote for Gore, don't bother, your vote probably won't make a difference so don't vote at all. If you still want to vote for Gore remember that I'll be voting for Bush so our votes cancel each other out so there's no point in voting. Another way to put it is: Get Bush elected and I'll give you ROMs =)

Monday, November 6th, 2000
MAME v0.37b9 Goodies
Looking for the latest games added to MAME v0.37 beta 9? Check out the ROM Files section and have fun!

MAME v0.37 Beta 9 Released!
Finally MAME v0.37 beta 9 is released! Here are the newly supported games:
  • Cavelon [Paul Swan]
  • M660 [Paul Swan]
  • The FairyLand Story []
  • Balloon Brothers [Yochizo]
  • Gigandes [Yochizo]
  • Daisenpu [Yochizo]
  • Battle Garegga [Yochizo]
  • Armed Police Batrider [Yochizo]
  • After Burner [Phil Stroffolino, Dave]
  • After Burner II [Phil Stroffolino, Dave]
  • Bloxeed [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • Columns [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • Columns II - The Voyage Through Time [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • Borench [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • ThunderForce AC [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • Tant-R (Puzzle & Action) [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • Puyo Puyo [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • Stack Columns [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • Poto Poto [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • Zunzunkyou No Yabou [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
  • Hard Drivin' [Aaron Giles, Ernesto Corvi]
  • Saboten Bombers [Mirko Buffoni]
  • Scud Hammer [Luca Elia]
  • Thunder & Lightning [Luca Elia]
  • Rezon [Luca Elia]
  • Athena no Hatena [Luca Elia]
  • Oishii Puzzle Ha Irimasenka [Luca Elia]
  • Eight Forces [Luca Elia]
  • Pro Mahjong Kiwame [Luca Elia]
  • Krazy Bowl [Luca Elia]
  • Battle K-Road [Luca Elia]
  • Naname de Magic! [Nicola Salmoria]
  • Asuka & Asuka [David Graves, Brian Troha]
  • Maze of Flott [David Graves, Brian Troha]
  • Galmedes [David Graves, Brian Troha]
  • Earth Joker [David Graves, Brian Troha]
  • Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari [David Graves, Brian Troha]
  • Cadash [David Graves]
  • The King of Dragons (US)
  • Street Smart (World version 1)
  • Two Tigers (dedicated)
  • Manhattan 24 Bunsyo (= Jail Break)
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

ClrMamePro v1.8f Released
ClrMamePro is a ROM file manager for MAME and other emulators. This version adds the following:
  • fixed: another sysdefpath bug (1.8e)
  • misc: changed behaviour of (fix) unneeded check. Now it will find hidden parent in clones and hidden clones in parents...(1.8e)
Download it from the MAME Utilities section.

YAME v0.21 Released
The multi-console emulator YAME was updated to v0.21. Want to know what's new? You'll just have to guess because there isn't any what's new info. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

RockNES Mac v1.500 Released
The Mac port of RockNES has been updated to the latest source code. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Snes9x Win v1.33a Released
The SNES emulator Snes9x was updated again. Not only did the last short-lived release have a few bugs but so did their web site (I couldn't reach it for several hours). Anyway, here's what's new in this release:
  • C4 emulation wasn't being automatically enabled for Rockman X2 / X3 - the Japanese versions of Megaman X2 / X3.
  • Fixed the Super FX plot table pointer that I accidentally broke while saving 1Mb of workspace RAM - it was stopping all Super FX games from working.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

DreamSNES v0.9.2 Released
DreamSNES is a SNES emulator for the Sega Dreamcast and this version checks in at a whopping 15.1MB! It includes the following:
  • PAL support
  • Verical offset of non-VGA screens fixed. (i e bottom of screen should now be visible.)
  • 50/60Hz video option
  • Double buffering
  • Less frame skipping
  • Stereo sound support
  • Up to 1024 ROMs per CD supported.
  • Game can be selected before the ROM list is completely loaded
  • Music added on the menu screens
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Sunday, November 5th, 2000
SwNES v0.30 Released
SwNES (Nintendo NES emulator for Windows) has been updated to v0.30. Here's what's new:
  • Modify Some Mapper Bugs .
  • Add FC Ext.Driver : Mahjong Keyboard.
  • Add FC Ext.Driver : Top Rider.
  • Add FC Ext.Driver : Family BASIC Keyboard.
  • Support Family BASIC Ver:3 Save & Load Instructions.
  • Support LPT port Play Station Pad.
  • Suppor 2P MIC function.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

RockNES v1.500 Released
The excellent Nintendo NES emulator RockNES for DOS was updated to v1.500. Here's what's new:
  • NES sound driver partially rewritten. Added real-time state for register $4015, which fixes sound output for all games;
  • Added mapper #76 driver (Namco 109);
  • Added mappers #72, #92, #101 (Taito mappers);
  • Added mappers #83 (Cony mapper), #240;
  • Added mapper #100 (NESticle MMC3 hack mode, untested);
  • Fixed mapper #70 (small hack for Kamen Rider Club);
  • Fixed mapper #113 (to support HES carts, untested);
  • Removed duplicated pattern table saving on games with no VROM.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Site Search
Finally, I installed a Site Search for Arcade@Home. I tried several over the years but they all had problems. This one spiders the site so it handles my back-end system and it's mySQL based so it's fast when searching. There's a permanent link to the search at the very top navigation of every page. Check it out.

Saturday, November 4th, 2000
Best Candidate for ROMS?
I took a funny e-mail submitted by John Schultes and turned it into a poll. The question was; "Where do the candidates stand on the position of ROMs?" Anyway, John's reply was funny so it's now a public poll. Remember, this is NOT a vote for who you want to be president, but who would be the best president on the position of ROMs. Have fun with it at the above link. Also, here's some other things that people submitted:Make sure you vote at the above link!

Donkey Kong 3 for JAE
JAE (the Java Arcade Emulator) now runs Donkey Kong 3. Also, Bagman and Super Bagman now contain emulated sound. You can play them on Norbert Kehrer's site at the above link.

PuckMan Simulator Updated
MADrigal's table-top simulator PuckMan was updated to v2.01 and it includes the following:
  • PuckMan has now "intelligent" enemy ghosts (Artificial Intelligence): they hunt for him at first, then they try to escape him as he gets the Power Star
  • shaped form for smarter game look ;)
  • manual finally featured! (thanks to Jaro Gielens for providing me with those superb scans!)
It's available for free download at the above link.

Snes9x v1.33 Released
The excellent SNES emulator Snes9x has been updated to v1.33 for both Windows and Linux. Here's what's new:
  • Noticed another problem with the CPU_SHUTDOWN code - Chrono Trigger locked up during the intro but only when using the asm code CPU core. Found the algorithm difference between the code and made the CPU match what the C version was doing. Still not sure why it caused a problem in the first place.
  • Changed colour subtraction code to use Lindsey Dubb's newer version he sent me some time ago but I 'forgot' to include. I say forgot, but I really put off including it because, although it improves most games that use the effect, it does result in one or two slight visual glitches.
  • Hacked in zsKnight's C4 emulation asm code - now both Megaman X2 and X3 are playable. Still got to complete the reverse engineering of the i386 asm code to C so other, non-Intel ports can have C4 emulation.
  • Shuffled the keyboard mapping a bit on the Linux port so now Tab key acts as an emulation speed turbo button, `, # and ~ act as superscope turbo and / acts as the superscope pause button.
  • Some old SA-1 shutdown code was causing the main SNES CPU to shutdown randomly instead. Very noticeable in Mario RPG where the game was running too slowly and music was getting out of sync with in-game action.
  • Fixed asm CPU_SHUTDOWN code that I accidentally broke while trying to optimise it! Thanks to all the people who noticed Snes9x's frame skipping had changed between releases. Frames rates should be improved again for more than 50% of games.
  • Re-enabled in-lining of the C SNES memory access routines, improves frame rate by one or two on slower machines.
  • Optimised the asm 65c816 addressing mode emulation code a little.
  • Included some code changes making life easier for the Mac porter, John Stiles.
  • Added memory map support for Sufami Turbo using information supplied by Nose0000. No idea if it works because I don't have the ROM.
  • Spent a few minutes trying to figure out the Star Ocean memory map so at least the sound effects could be heard. But gave up after 60 minutes or so due to laziness. If anyone knows the memory map details, let me know please!
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Sintendo Build #209
The Nintendo SNES emulator for the Dreamcast Sintendo was updated to build #209. This version adds multi-session. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Friday, November 3rd, 2000
More Politics?
Bet your fanny =) Don't worry, it will all be over in a few days. Anyway, I've heard of some people that are voting for Gore for the simple reason that he's "pro-choice". Well, come to find out, he's only pro-choice when it fits his political career. Without getting in to a pro-choice/pro-life battle, you can just look at Gore's record on this issue. Gore is just like Clinton in that he flip-flops on issues whenever it he feels it will benefit himself.

SSF v0.04r5 Released
SSF is a Sega Saturn emulator for Windows and has been updated to v0.04r5. Here's the broken English translation:
  • Priority check in sprite frame buffer and BG each respect (The priority of each dot in each respect is decided, and the displayed color is selected)
  • Four half transparent operations or less (Four simultaneous half transparent operations or less might be in each dot)
  • Expansion, reduction, line scroll, and length cell scroll processing of NBG0 and NBG1 (Be not easy a little because it is a calculation of the position where ?? and the screen are sampled?)
  • Calculation of sampling position on rotation side (It is annoying etc compared with NBG0 and NBG1)
  • Mosaic and shadeing off operation in each respect (Does the mosaic have software which uses easiness and shadeing off?)
It's English, but I'm not sure it's totally understandable. Anyway, download it from the Console Emulation section.

Game Lad v1.0
A new Nintendo GameBoy emulator for Windows was released called Game Lad. It's currently archived in RAR format but I hope they will change this in a later version. Download it from the Console Emulation section and thanks to Geoshock for the news.

Project #51 Beta #2
The new NES emulator Project #51 has been updated to beta #2. This version adds:
    A Frame Lock/Unlock has been added so you see how fast you get it going.
  • A simple 6502 debugger has been added.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Thursday, November 2nd, 2000
Here's the latest MAME Work-In-Progress news:
  • November 1st, 2000: Aaron Giles fixed some scrolling effects in the Sega C2 driver. Luca Elia added Battle K-Road to the Psikyo driver. Phil Stroffolino started on a Looping driver, it runs I/O CPU code fine now but main CPU code does not seem to be valid and the microcontroller isn't emulated, so nothing works.
Can't you just smell a MAME release any day now? Check out the screen shots at the above link.

Forums Fixed
There were some problems with the forums for the last day or two where sometimes it wouldn't allow you post a new topic. It had something to do with the new html compression that's now running on Arcade@Home (you may have noticed a speed-up). Anyway, the problem appears to be fixed.

Rappin' Candidates
Heh, this is a funny. Download and run the above flash program. Make sure you move the sliders and play with the buttons at the bottom of the window. Thanks to John MacMichael for the file. Also, John would like me to post this notice:
    NOTICE !!!!!
    Due to an anticipated voter turnout much larger than originally expected, the polling facilities may not be able to handle the load all at once.

    Therefore, Republicans are requested to vote on Tuesday, November 7, and Democrats and Independents on Wednesday, November 8.

    Please pass this message along and help us to make sure that nobody gets left out.
Good thing this notice went out or we could have had problems voting. ;-)

If you haven't visited Retro-Remakes you should. It has hundreds of cool remakes for many retro games. Just today the following was added:
  • Twelve (count 'em!) Boulderdash remakes!!!
  • Retarded Goat Hunter!
  • Gladiatron 3D
"Retarded Goat Hunter!"? You'll have to download it to find out. Check out Retro-Remakes at the above link.

More A@H Club Members
New Arcade@Home club members keep coming in. 7 more members today including: Richard Ragon, D. Escott, M. Scarvelis, M. Glicksman, W. Bilkovich, Bret Denslow, & R. Lawrence. Another club member, Chris Law sent in a picture of him wearing his Arcade@Home t-shirt. If you have good eyes you'll see that the high score on the DigDug machine is 435,010 which is not Chris' high score but his wife's. To quote Chris: "She had never played a single video game before in her life, and in a few weeks had mastered the art of Dig Dug." Chris (who's an Arcade tech at Harrah's Tahoe) not only get's owned by his wife at home but also here =) To join the Arcade@Home club (which BTW I make nothing from) get something from the Arcade@Home Store.

Raine Linux v20001101
The Linux version of Raine was updated again. This version includes the following:
  • Fixed the F2 system (quite a few games were crashing at startup)
  • Fixed (reverted to the old version) Don Do Kodo (The 20000924 gave a very nice "venitian store effect". Took me a long time to find out it was the driver itself which was faulty and not the asm display routines !!!)
  • Added 2 dipswitch settings for "SDF Macross"
  • Triple Buffering now REALLY works ! But I advice against it : it eats more than 50% of my cpu time !!! (maybe because my allegro does not have the triple buffering patches ???)
  • Added the dos graphics modes which were missing to the "Auto Detect" section. Might be usefull for Svgalib or Xfree.
Download it from the Arcade Emulation section.

Wednesday, November 1st, 2000
More Fans
Wow! I've got 4 more die-hard fans: R. Fink, J. Koller, B. Noyes and J. Boulmetis each purchased one or more Arcade@Home t-shirt, sweatshirt, mug or mousepad from the Arcade@Home Store. One guy purchased 3 items! Every fan I have must have purchased something now (all 7 of you). Remember, I don't make a nickel off this stuff. No one has purchased a baby doll t-shirt and submitted a picture of a Hooter girl wearing it. But when it happens, I'll be sure to share it with everyone =)

Me, Bush & Busch
Click here for a full size image I almost forgot. As promised, here's a picture of me and George W. Bush when I met him last week (I'm the one on the right). This is an actual unretouced photo of me on stage with Bush at a rally. He even had his arm around me. And to answer your next question, no, I don't go that way. And to answer your second question, yes, that's a beer (Busch beer of course). Oh, and if you love beer as much as I do, you'll love this commercial.

Introducing: Me
Click here for a full size image People often e-mail me and ask: "Boy, what do you look like?". I've tried to stay private so I don't get hassled with crowds of fans when I go out in public like to the mall or grocery shopping. But, I figured it was time to finally "come out". People often say once they see me: "Boy, I got the number of a good dentist". Anyway, I guess I'll see you at the grocery store. I'm usually hanging out in the parking lot playing run-away shopping cart.

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Nintendo World Championship Cart Currently Going For Over $90,000

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Ouya passes Kickstarter goal on first day at $950K and rising

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Personal data of millions at risk as Sony network hacked

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