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News from September 2003

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003
MESS 0.74 Released
MESS is an emulator for various consoles for various systems. Only the Windows binaries has been updated so far.
  • New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order):
    • Texas Instruments TM990/189 University Board [Raphael Nabet]
  • System Driver Changes
    • [A7800] Implemented Kangaroo and transparency modes. [Eric Ball]
    • [A7800] Removed use of plot_pixel(), resulting in performance gains. [Nate Woods]
    • [APPLE2] Writing to disk images and ProDOS order (*.po) disk images are now supported. [Nate Woods]
    • [SORDM5] Fixed keyboard. [Tim Schuerewegen]
  • User Interface Changes
    • [Windows] It is now possible to make customized keyboard dialogs for different drivers, in the same way that it is possible to make per-driver customized joystick dialogs. [Nate Woods]
  • Source Changes
    • The core is based on MAME 0.74. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: ryder2002 

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003
RascalBoy Advance Released!
This surprisingly good GBA emulator got an update today.

  • Fixed various bugs in OBJ Window
  • Fixed bug in EEPROM bytes management.
  • Added news options at Memory Viever.
  • Added DirectDraw Fullscreen view option.
  • Added VU-Meter plug-in.
  • Fixed bug in synchronization option
  • Fixed bug in BL/THUMB opcode.
Get it from the above link.
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Wildman55 

Monday, September 22nd, 2003
atari800 Win PLUS beta 4.0 released
Atari800Win PLus is an Atari 400, 800, 600 XL, 800 XL, 130 XE & 5200 emulator for Windows.
  • Some GUI changes for new Atari800 kernel features.
  • User-visible changes introduced by new Atari800 kernel:[/b]
  • Cycle-exact emulation upgrade by Perry McFarlane!Fixed display bugs in "Master of the Lamps", "Mail Order Monsters" etc. Cycle-exact changes to colours, GTIA modes, player horizontal positions, player graphics, even cycle-exact GTIA11_DELAY ("Demonic Laughter"). Improved handling of DMACTL changes in the middle of a scanline ("Decathlon", "Mail Order Monsters"). Emulation of a DMACTL width change bug.
  • New high-quality POKEY sound emulation by Michael Borisov! You may still choose the old sound engine by Ron Fries - use Sound Quality in the Sound Options dialog box.
  • H: emulation enhancements by Mark Grebe! Full support for the standard Atari DOS functions: Rename, Delete, Lock, Unlock, Note, Point, and Open for Update. Full support for subdirectories: CREDIR, RMDIR, CWD, ?DIR work in SpartaDos and BW-DOS ('>' and '>>' are used as directory separators).
  • Changed the directory listing to look like the standard Atari DOS 2.0 listing (the sector count is based on 256-byte sectors). Support for the binary load commands.
  • Fixed MultiJoy and PORTB ("Road Race" works in XL/XE mode - didn't in 3.1).
  • Fixed Atari 5200 crash after pressing SHIFT and * in "Super Pacman".
  • Swapped GTIA and CTIA artifacting modes, because they were swapped by mistake in version 2.6b.
  • New cartridge type: Switchable XEGS 1 MB
    get it from link above
Thanks to IxI SoNiK IxI for the news!
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Evilnos_unholy 

Tuesday, September 16th, 2003
MAME32 v.074 Released
Mame32 is a mamedev sanctioned windows build of mame that features an easier interface and a much improved GUI, it is produced by Chris Kirmse - the original Mame32 author, Mike Haaland - architect of the GUI, and John IV.
  • all changes from original mame .74 are in effect
  • Screenshots, icons, and *.dats updated.
    some additional fixes and submissions on the plate; once Chris has some time, they will be integrated in a point release.
Get it from the link above
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Evilnos_unholy 

Sunday, September 14th, 2003
Mame 0.74 Released!

Once again the most popular emulator has just release an update. Just thought when you had your 0.73 all updated a new one comes out. It's bascially a clean up of 0.73...hehe. Here are the changes, only games shown, see Mame Status for full update.

Mame 0.74

New games supported:
  • Miyasu Nonki no Quiz 18-Kin (Japan) [Takahiro Nogi]
  • Ojanko Club (Japan) [Takahiro Nogi, Uki]
  • Quiz & Variety Sukusuku Inufuku (Japan) [Takahiro Nogi]
  • Dancing Eyes (DC1/VER.A) [smf]
  • Kosodate Quiz My Angel 3 (KQT1/VER.A) [smf]
  • Super-X [David Haywood]
  • A Few new Megatech sets (mostly SMS based, not yet working)
New Clones supported:
  • Natsuiro Mahjong (Mahjong Summer Story) (Japan) (clone of mjnatsu) [Takahiro Nogi]
  • Bang (Japan) [Manuel Abadia]
  • Hangly Man (set 3) [Manuel Abadia]
  • Apocaljpse Now (bootleg of Rescue) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]
  • Explorer (bootleg of Scramble) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (1 comments)Posted by: Tigerj 

GEST 0.79 Released
Gest is a gameboy emulator based on visual boy advance for windows
  • fixed (minor) graphics problems in Arctic zone (Unl), Boxing (JU), Carmageddon (U), Dancing Furby (J), Duck Tales (U), Korodice (J), Interrupts Demo (PD), Mega Man X PCX2GB Demo (PD), Popeye 2 (U), Puyo Wars (J), Urusei Yatsura (J) & Worm Visitor (Unl)
  • fixed control problems in Double Dragon 3 (U) & Lawnmower Man (U)
  • Dino's Quest (Unl)(Beta) works again
  • GEST doesn't slow down other programs so much anymore if rom isn't loaded or it's paused
    Get it from the link above
Thanks to IxI SoNiK IxI for the news!
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Evilnos_unholy 

Nestopia 1.07 Released
Nestopia is nintendo entertainment system emulator for windows
  • Added support for file associations (preferences dialog).
  • Added an option to select between single and multiple application instances (preferences dialog).
  • Fixed a bug that caused the key mapping for a second joystick device to be reset every time Nestopia was restarted.
  • Changed so that all Game Genie codes are saved on exit.
  • Moved most of the on-screen-messages into the resource string table to make life easier for people making translation patches.
  • Updated the rom database. Thanks again to [yang] for the new compilation.
  • Fixed so that ns1..ns9 (save slots) files will show up when browsing files.
  • Added command line parameter support.
  • Added a status bar (menu).
  • Added an FPS counter (menu).
  • Added an option to force the window on top (menu).
  • Added an option to disable the performance counter timer (timer dialog).
  • Added an option to disable configuration saving on exit (preferences dialog).
  • Added some more shortcut keys to the menu.
  • Better multitasking.
  • Added automatic thread priority control (preferences dialog).
  • Changed so that even a totally screwed up iNes file header may pass thru the loader if the file can be found in the database.
  • Improved the timers.
  • Made new icons.
  • Many bug fixes
    Get it from the link above
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Evilnos_unholy 

Saturday, September 13th, 2003
FakeNES 0.3.0 Released!
fakenes is a nintendo entertainment system emulator for windows, this release has seen a ton of changes, even involving integral parts of the code itself
  • Infamous ROM load memory protection crash bug fix.
  • Overhauled CPU emulation core.
  • Added x86 assembly optimized CPU core components.
  • Fixed branch wrap detection bug.
  • Added CRC calculation for PRG ROM, CHR ROM, and ROM trainers.
  • Added support for CPU memory space patching (raw or Game Genie w/GUI).
  • Added slow (half FPS) mode.
  • Corrected mirroring of uneven size ROMs.
  • Added save state support (may not work for all supported games).
  • Added automatic machine state saving accurate up to every frame.
  • Added support for replays (currently buggy).
  • Altered memory map for performance.
  • Added exit confirmation when ROM loaded.
  • Significant improvements to the timing system.
    Configuration changes:
  • Added configurable save state and Save RAM (SRAM) output path.
  • Configuration file and log file are now stored with the executable.
  • Changed Win32 configuration file to 'fakenesw.cfg'
  • Fixed several input configuration bugs.
    get it from the link above
Thanks to IxI SoNiK IxI for the news!
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Evilnos_unholy 

Monday, September 8th, 2003
Mupen64 0.3 Released
Mupen64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows, Linux, MacOS X, BeOS & QNX. Only the Windows & Linux binaries has been updated so far.
  • All versions:
    • General speed up, 10-20% in most games Save states long loading time fixed, now it should load in less than a second
    • sound sync is far more accurate now (thanks to Azimer) it makes some additionnal games booting
    • 64dd detection to fix F-zero
    • a little idle loops bug has been fixed
  • Windows port:
    • Configuration and initialisation of plugins now can be done prior running a rom. It fixes numerous configuration issues with plugins as well
    • Recent roms menu with option to clear and freeze
    • Command line arguments support with option to run in GUIless mode, compatible with 1964 options, read more about it in pdf
    • Choosing and saving of plugins used per game, access it from Rom Properties
    • Reset rom menu added
    • Speed Modifier to allow game to run at any speed between 1-200% of original Use + and - to increase, decrease it, while in the game. And . to return to 100%.
    • Start game in fullscreen option
    • Pause emulation when idle fixes
    • Global plugin settings (should be unchecked if you want to use plugins per game option from rom properties)
    • Switch on/off ToolBar (ALT+T) and Status Bar (ALT+S), usefull when plugin sets wrong resolution in windowed mode, and for those who hate toolbars :)
    • Selection of columns to show in rom browser
    • English language template updated
    • Support for debugview by linker Put dll in the main folder, if you want to see log output
    • Tonnes of little fixes...
  • RSP hle plugin:
    • mario kart sound fixed
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: ryder2002 

MESS 0.73 Released
MESS is an emulator for various consoles for various systems. Only the Windows binaries has been updated so far.
  • New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order):
    • DAI Personal Computer [Krzysztof Strzecha, Nate Woods]
  • System Driver Changes:
    • [COCO] CoCo joystick buttons can now be mapped to the mouse buttons (bug #317). [Nate Woods]
    • [COCO3] Now supports option for 8MB of RAM. [Nate Woods]
    • [SNES] Improved sprite to sprite priority. [Anthony Kruize]
  • Source Changes:
    • The core is based on MAME 0.73. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]
    • Added some bounds checking to opcode fetches (bug #352). [Nate Woods]
    • Made some debugger fixes when dealing with 8 or 16 bit numbers. [Nate Woods]
    • Fixed a bug in the handline of low resolution systems; the UI would not be properly rendered. [Nate Woods]
    • Adds info regarding device extensions to -listinfo and -listxml output. [Andrea Mazzoleni]
    • Renamed config.? to crcfile.?. [Nate Woods]
    • [Windows] When the new UI is active and MESS is paused, MESS now should not waste any excess CPU time. [Nate Woods]
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: ryder2002 

Friday, September 5th, 2003
ClrMamePro 3.06a Released
ClrMamePro is a tool to check what roms you have/miss for certain systems and emulators, create 0-crc files, and much more for Windows.
  • fixed: "mp_sonic issue" - bug in detect-biosrom-function while parsing datfiles / executable data
  • misc: set info marks to bios files
    get it from the link above
Thanks to IxI SoNiK IxI for the news!
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Evilnos_unholy 

RascalBoy Advance Released
RascalBoy Advance is a Gameboy Advance emulator for Windows.
  • Fixed bug occuring when loading ROMs
  • Fixed bug in SRAM byte management
    Get it from the link above
Thanks to IxI SoNiK IxI for the news!
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Evilnos_unholy 

Thursday, September 4th, 2003
mame32 v.073 released
mame32 is a mamedev sanctioned windows build of MAME with an easier interface.
  • Screenshots, icons, and *.dats updated. We will be doing an additional point release soon with a bunch of new features from René Single, once Chris integrates them perhaps this weekend., in the meantime here is baseline .73.
  • all changes from original mame version have been added to this version also
    Get it from the link above!
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Evilnos_unholy 

Mame 0.73b (sega titanic) Released
Mame is that famous arcade machine emulator that we all know and love. The windows binaries and source are available now, no mame 32 as of yet but i can't see it being too far behind. The "whatsnew.txt" is a riveting read as always, so i got the arcade at home front end to create this handy new games list for me, this release is a bit of a sega special it would seem...what no majohng?!
  • asurabld "Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Japan)"
  • ecofghta "Eco Fighters (Asia 931203)"
  • 8ballat2 "Eight Ball Action (DKJr conversion)"
  • gaia "Gaia Crusaders"
  • hanagumi "Hanagumi Taisen Columns - Sakura Wars"
  • harddunj "Hard Dunk (Japan)"
  • ladybugg "Ladybug (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)"
  • mt_bbros "MegaTech: Bonanza Bros."
  • mt_ggolf "MegaTech: Great Golf"
  • mt_gsocr "MegaTech: Great Soccer"
  • mt_kcham "MegaTech: Kid Chameleon"
  • mt_lastb "MegaTech: Last Battle."
  • mt_mwalk "MegaTech: Moonwalker"
  • mt_mystd "MegaTech: Mystic Defender"
  • mt_parlg "MegaTech: Parlour Games"
  • mt_shar2 "MegaTech: Space Harrier 2."
  • mt_stbld "MegaTech: Super Thunder Blade"
  • mt_tetri "MegaTech: Tetris"
  • mt_tfor2 "MegaTech: Thunder Force 2"
  • mt_tlbba "MegaTech: Tommy Lasorda Baseball"
  • mogura "Mogura Desse (Cabinet Test Board)"
  • pengo3u "Pengo (set 3 not encrypted)"
  • speedatk "Speed Attack!"
  • sprint8 "Sprint 8"
  • sprint8a "Sprint 8 Sprint 8 (play tag & chase)"
  • strtheat "Street Heat - Cardinal Amusements"
  • sbdk "Super Bike (DK conversion)"
  • strvmstr "Super Trivia Master"
  • wc90t "Tecmo World Cup '90 (trackball)"
  • twineag2 "Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission"
  • ultrax "Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai"
  • vpool "Video Pool (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware)"
  • xmvsfur1 "X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (US 961004)"
Thanks to nonfatnonfat for the news!
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: Andrew 

Monday, September 1st, 2003
CXBX - X-Box emulator beta 0.7.8b released
cxbx is a work in progress emulator of the Xbox console, its progress has been remarkable as of yet.
    here is a complete list of changes from the last version up to this one
  • Halo executes (no graphics yet)
  • Overlays simulated on PCs that do not support them in hardware.
  • YUY2 overlay capabilities detection improved significantly
  • Fixes to mesh rendering (thanks kingofc!). The "XRay" XDK demo is extremely impressive now (and runs very efficiently), as well as the Gamepad/Rumble demos.
  • Z: drive simulation repaired
  • Fixed debug messages accidentally left in the previous release.
    get it from the link above
Thanks to StuMcBill for the news!
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (1 comments)Posted by: Evilnos_unholy 

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