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News from January 2005

Tuesday, January 25th, 2005
ZiNc 1.1 released !
    Several of the remaining biggest issues with ZiNc have been resolved in this update. First and foremost, we have correct root counter emulation by smf. This corrects the gameplay timing of most System 11 and 12 games, so if Tekken 3 was showing 60/60 but playing like molasses before, give it a try now. Similarly, Soul Edge no longer acts like the characters are on speed with a Red Bull chaser. Polygonal pr0n fans will appreciate that Show Time is now fully functional in Dancing Eyes. In more mundane news, I (RB) have replaced ZiNcīs zip file loader. ZiNc now should recognize all valid zip files (including ones it didnīt understand before) and additionally it can load by CRC so your ROM sets donīt have to have perfect filenames inside the zips. The final change from 1.0.2 is that the Soul Edge sets now are defined properly w.r.t. MAME and should no longer cause trouble
    Note that this is a pretty fundamental emulation change and I havenīt been able to verify that all 71 of ZiNcīs games work properly now, so if you find any new issues (especially those related to either game speed or games now not working properly) please report them on the official ZiNc messageboard.
 Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: James 

Thursday, January 13th, 2005
Winkawaks 1.53 released !
    What's new in 1.53:
  • - The King of Fighters 2002 (bootleg)
  • - The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg 2)
  • - The KOF Special Edition 2004 (hack)
  • - Added a no rotate vertical games option for the vertical CPS-1 and 2 games. This is very handy if you own a rotatable TFT screen.
  • - Fixed some games not showing when the 'Hide Redundant Games' option is used.
  • - Fixed Matrimelee (bootleg) to use the original bootleg V ROMs. Also fixed it to use the P roms from the parent set (data identical in both sets).
  • - Updated C5 ROM in Matrimelee as old was bad.
  • - Fixed Dynasty Wars DIP switches.
     Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (1 comments)Posted by: James 

    Monday, January 3rd, 2005
    Winkawaks 1.52 released !
      What's new in 1.52:
  • * Updated the decrypted M ROMs in the following games;
  • - The King of Fighters 2001
  • - The King of Fighters 2002
  • - Matrimelee
  • - Metal Slug 4
  • - Rage of the Dragons
  • * Made Bang Bead (decrypted C) use the ROMs created from the save decrypted C after loading option
     Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (0 comments)Posted by: James 

    Saturday, January 1st, 2005
    Winkawaks 1.51 Released !
      What's new in 1.51
      * New drivers:
    • - Progear (USA 010117)
    • - Progear No Arashi (Japan 010117)
    • - Matrimelee
    • - Matrimelee (bootleg)
    • - Metal Slug 4
    • - Metal Slug 4 (decrypted C)
    • - Metal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg)
    • - Rage of the Dragons
    • - Rage of the Dragons (decrypted C)
    • - The King of Fighters 2002
    • - The King of Fighters 2002 (decrypted C)
    • - The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg)
    • - Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Koryu)
    • * Fixed the currupted graphics in Prehistortic Isle 2.
     Discuss this in the Arcade@Home™ Forums (1 comments)Posted by: James 

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