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News from March 2000

Friday, March 31st, 2000
Who Wants to be a Hundredaire!
Hehe, less than 2 hours left to win this months $250 buy.com shopping spree. You can't win if you don't play. See above.

AdriPSX v00.03.26 Released
AdriPSX is a Sony Playstation (PSX) emulator for DOS. This release adds the following:
  • Impred CDROM Decoder
  • Some more working games
  • Lots of fixes on GTE
  • Look at CURRENT STATUS section to know about it.
Download it from the Playstation PSX section.

MacMAME v0.36 Released
The Mac port of MAME v0.36 final has been released. It includes the following changes:
  • In sync with DOS 0.36 final. [Aaron Giles]
  • MacMAME now recognizes a new folder: "Misc Support Files". It expects to find all the miscellaneous data files thave have no other home in there (cheat.dat, history.dat, mameinfo.dat, etc). The MacMAME.mov file is also now expected to live there as well, instead of its prior home in the "Screenshots" folder. [Brad Oliver]
  • Pressing Command-leftarrow and Command-rightarrow in the front-end will now cycle through the tabbed panes. [Brad Oliver]
  • New report options to generate lists of non-working games and games that have been flagged with imperfect or incomplete emulation. [Brad Oliver]
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Want to Make Your Own Games?
Have you ever wanted to make your own games but felt it was too difficult with conventional methods? DIV Games Studio comes to the rescue. DIV allows you to create your own games using a specially designed and simplified coding language that's easy to follow and requires NO previous knowledge of programming. Check out the DIV site at the above link for sample games and even a product demo. Sample games range from a retro Arkanoid clone to a fighting game. The product is scheduled to go on sale May 5th at a reasonable cost (about $50).

D-BOY v0.58 Released
D-BOY (a GameBoy emulator for DOS) gets anoter quick update. This version adds the following over v0.57:
  • Did bug fix of the keys (forgot to write it in version 0.57).
  • Did bug fix for the second bug for the hour function (don't ask me).
  • Attached a message display function.
  • Corrected a bug in the CPU speed switch
  • Rewrote the message display with an assembler.
  • Corrected the message display finally.
Download it from the Console Emulation section. Thanks to Madwon for the what's new translation.

Thursday, March 30th, 2000
The MAMEWIP (Work in Progress) page has been updated with new developments over the past few days:
  • March 29th: Nicola Salmoria fixed the Astrocade hardware star and sparkle generators, and he added Professor Pacman to the driver (however it doesn't work at all). Manuel Abadia added cocktail support to Double Dribble. Phil Stroffolino sent in some tilemap system fixes.
      Professor Pacman - [ 1 ]

  • March 30th: Aaron Giles sent in a driver for Rabbit Punch / Rabio Lepus. Nicola Salmoria fixed yet more problems with the Astrocade video hardware, and he added a correct R-Type romset. Zsolt Vasvari did some fixes and cleanups to the 8080bw driver.
      Rabbit Punch / Rabio Lepus - [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
Check out screen shots of the newly supported games at the above links.

RockNES v1.050 Released
RockNES is a NES emulator for DOS. This release adds the following:
  • Compiled with the newest DJGPP (everything's much better), hence LFN (Long FileNames) are supported;
  • Fixed a CHR switching bug from 1.04 in mapper #1 (Bigfoot is ok again);
  • Fixed a stupid CHR/PRG page select bug in mapper #255 (more games work);
  • Fixed PRG bank switching (some values were being truncated);
  • Fixed MMC3 (mapper #4) 4-screen mirroring (Gauntlet works fine), and a bug with CHR bankswitching, now Taito Chase HQ works with no gfx corruption;
  • Added/fixed mapper #19 support (preliminary, thanks Nori for the info);
  • Fixed mapper #70 (mirroring bug);
  • Added mapper #41 (Clatron / Myriad Games 6 in 1 unlicensed cart), untested, thanks to K.Horton for the info;
  • Removed SaveRAM write-protection when a trainer is present (hacked japanese Parodius works fine again);
  • A couple of bugs fixed, general junk removed, a lot of code cleaned;
  • Documentation slightly changed.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Win $250 Playing Arcade Trivia!
You only have a couple days till this month's Arcade Trivia Game is over and someone will walk away with a $250 buy.com shopping spree. How about you make that someone you. Play as many times as you like to increase your chances of winning. This month's contest ends at the stroke of midnight EST on 3/31. Play using the above link.

Bit Age Times #7
The newsletter for the second generation continues! This month features:
  • A look at the upcoming video game battle!
  • A goodbye to the joystick!
  • The Top 50 Games of the Bit Age list continues!
  • A whole lot more!
Check it out at the above link.

Wednesday, March 29th, 2000
ClrMamePro v1.2a Released
ClrMamePro is a great ROM manager for MAME and other emulators (with the correct dat file). This release adds the following:
  • misc: changed RAINE parser...now it's incredible fast ! (Big thanks to Logiqx !)
  • misc: major source clean-up
Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Video Game Makers Sue Yahoo!
Electronic Arts, Sega, and Nintendo have sued Yahoo! for allegedly allowing the sale of counterfeit video games on its auction site. They are seeking an injunction to halt sales of counterfeit games on Yahoo!. Diane Hunt, a spokeswoman for Yahoo!, noted that Yahoo! "shuts down illegal auctions when it hears about them from buyers or sellers, but so far hasn't found a practical way to search through "millions of listings" for possible illegal items." Check out this quote from the article:
    Electronic Arts noted in the suit that it deliberately decided to kill an unpublished game, "Thrill Kill," because of its violent content. But, according to the lawsuit, the company was irked to discover "Thrill Kill" was being sold illegally at Yahoo! Auctions. Electronic Arts said it told Yahoo! about the activity, but its concerns were disregarded.
Now I think we all know the real reason for this suit. Electronic Arts is mad because one of their own employees leaked an unreleased game they didn't publish because of violent content and their fears of consumer outrage. Then Yahoo! gave them the cold shoulder about it which caused this tantrum, I mean law suit. Check out all the details at the above link. Thanks to Todd (Vomit Green) for the news. Vomit Green? No thanks. =)

Andy Warne has come up with a new version of his I-PAC board (Interface for PC to Arcade Controls) and it now has a USB interface in addition to a regular keyboard connection. The new version has 28 inputs giving, for example, 2 sticks plus 8 buttons per player plus coin/start buttons. Also two units can be used together giving 55 inputs. Also supports LEDs. All the special MAME features of the original units are there in the form of shift function keys. Read about it on his site at the above link.

MAME Work in Progress
The MAMEWIP page has been updated with some new developments:
  • Phil Stroffolino sent in a preliminary Thief driver, but only attract mode works. Nicola Salmoria added Air Duel to the M72 driver. Manuel Abadia added cocktail support to Grobda.
You can check out screen shots of the newly supported games below:

Air Duel - [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
Thief - [ 1 | 2 ]

To Be or not to Be
BeOS v5.0 is an alternative operating system and they've made this release free! However, because of demand and their lack of planning on how popular it would be, there server has been almost totally unreachable for the past 24 hours. Most of the time you can expect to get a "Connect reset by peer" error when trying to connect. But, on 2 occasions, I've actually got in! (only to get another error on the next page) I wonder if they're using BeOS for their servers? If you want to be totally frustrated with an OS before you even try to install it, you can try to get it from the above link. At least with Windows I'm only frustrated after I install it. =) Update: mameiac informed me of a good alternate location to download BeOS v5.0. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 28th, 2000
Gens Win v0.36 Released
Gens is a Sega Genesis emulator for Windows. This release (version 0.36) adds the following:
  • Gens now uses the new MZ80 core of Neil Bradley (v3.4) and it corrects some sounds bugs !
  • SRAM implemented (Landstaker, Light Crusader ... now works correctly !) but not yet saved in file.
  • Choice of the game speed added : NTSC (60 FPS) or PAL (50 FPS). If a game runs too fast, just turn it to PAL version.
  • A lot of bugs fixs:
    • Special version auto-detection (Toy Story ...) fixed
    • Sound timing in some games (vector man ...) fixed.
    • Switch-State shortcut fixed.
    • The stupid bug which exits after setting keys is now fixed!
    • Load State that crash with starscream fixed too.
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Monday, March 27th, 2000
MAME hiscore.dat v2.5 Released
version 2.5 of MAME's hiscore.dat has been released. This version has 244 games using 122 score saving entries. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

D-BOY v0.57 Released
D-BOY is a GameBoy emulator for DOS. This release adds the following:
  • Fixed MBC3&HuC3 Clock.
  • Changed keymap.
  • RealTimeSave [F1]..[F5]
  • Load [F6]..[F10]
  • Waitskip [F11]
  • Quit without save S-RAM [F12]
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Who will Win the Championship Game?
Tis the season. Okay, so this is totally un-gaming related. But, it's still fun. So, who's going to make it to the championship game and win? If you don't follow college basketball, you can pick my favorite out of the final four, the Michigan State Spartans =) To vote, click on the above link.

KOF91 v1.1 Update
Oops, I completely missed this one. KOF91 is a homebrew fighter written by Moah. This is an upgrade from version 1.0 and includes the executable only. If you don't already have KOF91 v1.0 you can download it here: KOF91 v1.0. This version includes the following changes:
  • This version is compiled with the latest Allegro WIP 3.9.32 which fixes most of the graphic bugs some of you have with v1.0
  • Fixed the special move freezing bug.
  • Ported KOF91 back to DJGPP.
Download it from the title link. The image link shows a screen shot animation, check it out!

Unofficial MAME32 v0.36 Updated
P2L97's Unofficial MAME32 with auto-fire has been updated to the latest v0.36 release of MAME32. This is the same as the official MAME32 with autofire included. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

NEMU64.INI v1.4 Released
Myzar has updated his NEMU64.INI file to version 1.4. This release adds many things including Rainbow Six GER is playable. Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

Sunday, March 26th, 2000
Official MAME32 v0.36 Released!
The official MAME32 v0.36 has been released! This adds all features of the DOS MAME and a bunch of additional features that you can read here. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Thanks to Doug W. for the news.

17 Million Visitors
Without any fanfare, Arcade@Home will be busting through the 17 million visitor level in a short while. Thanks for making Arcade@Home one of the most popular emulation sites on the net. No, there are no prizes for visitor 17 million. If you want to win something, try your hand at the Arcade Trivia Game for a chance to win a $250 buy.com shopping spree to be given away in less than a week.

Saturday, March 25th, 2000
SNEeSe v0.441 Released
SNEeSe gets another update today. This release "fixes a nasty bug that caused the emulator to crash upon entering the GUI if the APU skipper was enabled". Download it from the Console Emulation section.

MESS v0.36 RC2 Released
MESS v0.36 release candidate 2 has been released. It's not on the official site, yet it's released (strange, but typical for MESS). Anyway, download it from the Console Emulation section. Thanks to VGN for the file.

CatVer.ini v0.36 Released
Xavier has updated the CatVer.ini file to support the latest MAME v0.36 games. It also includes shorter sub categories. The CatVer.ini file is used in the Arcade@Home front-end for category and version information and is also used in MameLang32. Download it from the Front-Ends section.

Friday, March 24th, 2000
DreamNES v1.8 Released
DreamNES is a Windows NES emulator. This release adds the following:
  • MMC3 IRQ Timing Fixed.Now Kick Master run!
  • Added IRQ Timing Adjust Function.
  • Mapper 16 Timing Fixed.
  • Added Support for Mapper 65.Daiku No Gensun 2 run!
  • Noise and DMC Channel Fixed
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

SNEeSe v0.44 Released
SNEeSe (SNES emulator for DOS) gets a small update over v0.43 released a couple days ago. This release fixes the following:
  • Render: Implemented correct sprite priorities (helps MANY ROMs: Chrono Trigger, Super Mario Allstars, Terranigma to name a few)
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

NEMU64.INI 1.3 Released
To go along with the new Nemu64 v0.7a release, Myzar had updated his NEMU64.INI file. This release adds the following:
  • In sync with the new 0.7a heavy update in comp list total games now 280!
  • New game working with this ini
    • [F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX] Comment=PLayable,use dummy Audio Mode
    • [Iggy's Reckin' Balls] Comment=PLayable, no audio
    • [South Park] Comment=Dummy Audio mode,Bad gfx
Myzar also notes that the official NEMU64.INI has some problems: "many games are there but nemu fails to recognize them, until they fix the problem you can use mine, all games working in that are working in mine." Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

Nemu64 v0.7a Released
Nemu64 is a great N64 emulator that has great compatibility and speed. This release contains a lot of bug fixes and some new features as well. Download it from the Nintendo 64 section. Thanks to N64 INC for the news.

Server Changes and Woes
You should have noticed the eFront branding over the past few weeks and now the eFront address when accessing Arcade@Home. Don't worry, Arcade@Home and eFront have had a long relationship (about 16 months now). This is just one of the final steps to combine Arcade@Home, eFront, and dozens of other sites to form a network of sites. These sites are not emulation only. There's gaming, MP3, computers, tech, skins, and more. Check them out at the above link.

During the conversion to the eFront branding. the site was routed in such a way that only NT, Win2K, and Unix could find the site, oops =) So, anyone using Windows 95/98 were greeted with an error when trying to access Arcade@Home. Don't you just love that? Anyway, the problem has been corrected. One remaining problem is the message boards. You can't post to them right now because of the domain change. I'll be fixing this shortly. If you notice anything else that's broken, let me know.

Thursday, March 23rd, 2000
MameLang32 v0.36 Released
MameLang32 (MAME32 in English, Spanish, Japanese, & Portuguese) has been updated to the latest MAME v0.36 final source. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Also, congratulations to Srr Teja (the author of MameLang32), he's getting married tomorrow.

MAME v0.36 for i686 and K6
The i686 and K6 optimized compiles of MAME v0.36 final have been released. I don't notice a lick of difference, but if you have a slower processor, these may be quicker. Download them from the M.A.M.E. section. Thanks to Thomas B. for the news.

Backstreet Boys Used as Torture
You heard right, CNN is reporting that the music of the Backstreet Boys are being used by University of Toronto campus police to "torture" students into ending a sit-in in the president's office. There were 20 students, but only 8 are left after 6 days of Backstreet Boys torture. I have to admit, I would have been one of the ones to leave. I'm going to have nightmares just thinking about it. Check out the entire story at the above link.

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2000
Unofficial MAME32 v0.36 Released!
P2L97's Unofficial MAME32 with auto-fire has been updated to v0.36 final! For those MAME32 only people out there, here's your chance to start using the final release of MAME32 v0.36 without waiting for the MAME32 team. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

MacMAME v0.36 RC2 Released
MacMAME is now one rev behind the latest MAME. We should see a v0.36 final release of MacMAME shortly. Until then, download this from the M.A.M.E. section.

SNEeSe v0.43 Released
SNEeSe is a SNES emulator for DOS. Lots of new features for this release, you can check them all out here. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

NEMU64.INI v1.2.01 Released
v1.2.01 is the latest update of Myzar's Nemu64 NEMU64.INI. This version allows Virtual Pool 64, Mahjong64, Firepen, Heiwa, and Famista 64 playable. Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

Gens v0.34 for Windows
Gens is a Windows emulator for the Sega Genesis. This version adds the following:
  • Starscream 68000 core (Neill Corlett) is available, changes:
    • More roms works fine (about 75% :)
    • Faster that mine!
    • Debugger not work with Starscream!
  • RAZE Z80 core (Richard Mitton) added, there are some problems with certains roms aladdin, sonic ...) but it works better than MZ80 in others case (animaniacs, contra4 ...).
  • Shortcuts added (Save / Load state, frame skip ...)
  • Current directory stored (but not yet in file, just when you keep gens run)
  • Some optimisations -> some more FPS :)
  • Bugs fixs (directsound init, keys settings ...)
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Tuesday, March 21st, 2000
MAME Screen Shots
Screen shots for MAME v0.36 final have been updated. This includes the on-line screen shot browser as well as the upgrade pack. Also, I've updated the full set of screen shots that you can download in one 10.3MB file. Check them out on the Front-Ends section.

Latest MAME Game Changes
Check out Arcade Emulation's MAME All Merged link on the ROM Files section for a couple of MAME v0.36 final updates.

MAME v0.36 Final Released!
MAME v0.36 final has been released! Check out all the changes since v0.35 by reading the whatsnew.txt file. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

NEMU64.INI v1.1.1
Like clockwork, another day another new NEMU64.INI file. In this release Myzar added 4 games missing from the emumaniac beta. Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

GLMame32 v0.36 RC2 Released
GLMame32 is an OpenGL version of MAME32 v0.36 rc2. It's been a long time (9 months) since GLMame32 was released last. Those with Voodoo video cards must go through some gyrations to get it to work (what's new). You can get the instructions here. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

Retrogaming Times #31 Released
Retrogaming Times is an on-line classic gaming newsletter. This issue is chock full of fun reading including:
  • Eyeball Benders Return!
  • Reviews of Crazy Climber 2000, Pacman World, Q*Bert and Pong!
  • Reviews of Donkey Kong and Ms. Pacman on EmuDX!
  • A whole lot more!
Check it out at the above link.

Monday, March 20th, 2000
Meka v0.51 Released
Before even their own site has it: Meka v0.51 (Sega Game Gear & Master System emulator for DOS with a slick GUI). This version has TONs of new features, too many to list but you can read what's new here. This version also contains a custom Arcade@Home background and color scheme. Download it from the Console Emulation section. Thanks to OC for the file.

RockNES v1.042 Released
Not even a day old and another release for RockNES. v1.042 adds the following:
  • Fixed PCM output for better RAW sound (good)
  • Small change compiling the binary, tell me if it's better (faster?)
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

NEMU64.INI v1.1 Released
Another day, another new NEMU64.INI file. This time Myzar has added the following playable games: G.A.S.P!! Fighters, Airboarder 64, Dynamite Soccer 64, Doremon Japan, and All Star Baseball 99. Also, the intro for AeroFighters Assault works a bit better but game graphics are still messed up. Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

This is an interesting site. Maybe this is just too much of an inside joke to be funny to anyone else. Thanks to Brkiller for the link.

Sunday, March 19th, 2000
Can You Smell That?
I smell a new MAME release in the next few days. Word is that the final version is being tested now and should be released any day now. I wonder if the Neo-Geo games will be reported as Neo-Geo clones in the final release?

GL2Ideal v1.3 Released
GL2Ideal is a very nice UltraHLE Glide wrapper (a Glide wrapper allows you to run a program designed only for 3dfx Voodoo cards on other 3D cards like a TNT2). This version adds the following:
  • Minor bug fix ( grDrawLine(), grDrawPoint() )
  • Minor code optimizations
  • PentiumII-only instructions were removed. Now available on Pentium and K6.
  • Color clamp method was changed to simpler and faster way. This may causes problems in some games. (Black background goes blue.)
  • GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 was implemented.
Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

NEMU64.INI v1.0 Released
Myzar has released an update to his NEMU64.INI file. He also started giving it a version number so we can keep track of which one is the latest. Version 1.0 adds the following:
  • Spinal's Cheats
  • Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is fully playable: turn off new combiner & TV filter
  • Cyber Tiger is fully playable: turn on new combiner
  • Minor errors fixed
Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

RockNES v1.041 Released
RockNES is an excellent DOS based NES emulator. This version is updated from yesterday's v1.04. The last two revisions added the following:
    Added in v1.041
    • Fixed crashing problem when 'no sound' is set, oops
    • Some fix for 'save state' (it may have problems yet)
    • Some cosmetic changes in the sound core.
    Added in v1.04
    • Using Matt Conte's 6502 CPU core (faster)
    • Rebuilt a lot of stuff to suit the new CPU core (more games should work)
    • Rebuilt some sound stuff (output fixed, waves are correct)
    • Sound timing slightly changed (RAW PCM works, still buggy in some games)
    • Fixed no sound problem when you swap to GUI and back to game
    • Fixed sound system reset (no more 'sound' when 'no sound')
    • Fixed VS Excitebike palette (looks nice in tracks 5,6,7)
    • Fixed mapper #68 (mirroring was disabled, blah)
    • Fixed mapper #225 (58-in-1 works fine)
    • Fixed mapper #226 (76-in-1, working with no problems)
    • Fixed mapper #228 (Cheetahmen II works)
    • Fixed mapper #233 (42-in-1 cart, partial, just the first half/22 games)
    • Added mapper #229 support (31-in-1, working with no problems)
    • Added mapper #255 support (110-in-1, some games still don't work)
    • Added preliminary FDS support (mapper #20)
    • Changed VBlank & NMI scanlines (VS Excitebike ok, more games work too)
    • GUI fully rewritten (using Allegro's routines yet, btw)
    • Removed more junk code, tons of cosmetic changes and minor bugs out
    • Updated help display, documentation updated
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Hu-Go! v1.2 Released
Hu-Go! (TurboGrafx 16 emulator for DOS and Linux) has been updated to v1.2. This release adds CD support under Windows without the need to reboot to DOS mode. Also, it has debugged hcd support. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Saturday, March 18th, 2000
DreamNES v1.7 Released
DreamNES is a NES emulator for Windows. This release adds the following:
  • New 2X Zooming Mode.This may cut down performance a lot
  • 2 CPU Cores availiable:New ASM Core and the old C Core
  • Hardware sound buffer number selectable.
Download it from the Console Emulation setcion.

NeoGeo Anyone?
Looking for some NeoGeo goodies? Check out the above site for some goodies =)

A-SATURN v0.15a Final
The final public release of A-SATURN (v0.15a) was released. ASPI to SPTI wrapper was added (not sure about anything else). Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Impact Emulator Returns?
Rumor has it that the Impact emulator site is going to make a return shortly. I hear they're moving to a new host because of problems with their old host. We'll see if this rumor pans out.

NESten v0.6 Beta E
NESten v0.6 beta E has been released. This release adds the following:
  • Sound wrapping/static fixed. (mainly on CV3j)
  • Fixed sound enable/disable bug (arrgh :P)
  • Changed how DLL's are loaded. (doesn't keep the DLL's open unless needed)
  • Mapper5 and Mapper6 readded. (No, CV3 still doesn't work 70%)
  • Probably more fixes which I don't remember :)
  • Mapper 4, 15, 69 and 225 by PrOxY
  • Mapper 8, 15, 66, 71 and 78 by The Quietust
Download it from the Console Emulation section.

Friday, March 17th, 2000
Host Me
If you have a quality emulator or emulation site and you're looking for a new host, feel free to e-mail me and perhaps you can get your own domain!

Alternate MAME32 Icons
MAMU_ has released a very nice set of icons for MAME32. It includes 1180 different icons including 17 for MAME v0.36 rc2. Also available are alternate folder icons for MAME32. The icons are very nice, very clean looking, and are in 256 colors when required. If you use MAME32, MameLang32 or the Unofficial MAME32, you should check these icons out at the above link under the Mame Ico section.

MAME Hiscore.dat Update
The MAME Hiscore.dat file has been updated to version 2. This release has high score support for 167 games. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Thanks to VGN for the file.

Irish Jiggs Dinner
Wifey's got the corned beef slow cooking for a jiggs dinner tonight. I'm of German descent, but always enjoy a good Irish meal. =) Please, no e-mails about how a jiggs dinner really isn't Irish or something, I just enjoy it. Okay, back to emulation news =)

Mom Update
No, this isn't emulator related. I've been kind of away the past few days because my mom went in to have a brain tumor removed. Everything went well and she should be out of the ICU in another day (then she can see her grandkids). She's a private person and probably wouldn't like me posting this, but I felt I had to say something. Anyway, thanks to those of you who knew about this and kept her in your thoughts.

Thursday, March 16th, 2000
Arcade Game Trivia
The Arcade Game Trivia is at the 1/2 way point for the month. If the prize was awarded today, your chances would be 1:100 of winning $250 if you registered 7 times. Those odds are not to bad =) The average score is 418 (550 being perfect) with 23.4% of people getting a score high enough to register for one of the prizes. Check out the Arcade Game Trivia, test your arcade trivia skill, and you could win a $250 shopping spree.

AdriPSX version 00.05.14
  • AdriPSX is a Sony Playstation emulator for DOS. This release adds the following:
    • Improved Dynamic Recompiler Core for greater speed
    • Software Graphics Renderer
    • Working MDEC and XA skipping rutines
    • CDROM Decoder Handler that allows AdriPSX to play commercial games
    Download it from the Playstation PSX section.

    Wednesday, March 15th, 2000
    Gens Win v0.3 Released
    Gens is a fine Sega Genesis emulator for Windows. This release adds the following:
    • Starscream 68000 core by Neill Corlett (faster and more accurate that mine) is now implemented but desactived, it'll be active in the next version !
    • DAC works now perfectly !
    • Many many fixs in sound and CPU timings:
      • All chips (68000, Z80, YM2612, PSG ...) are synchronised depending of game type (PAL 50Hz / SECAM 60Hz) and PAL games works at 50 FPS in auto-frameskip mode.
      • Fix YM2612 timers.
      • Fix PSG rate.
    • Can choose sample rate of the sound (you must reload the rom for take effect !)
    • some others little...
    Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    Complete MAME v0.36 RC2 Set
    Bob from Arcade Emulation has informed me that he now has a compelte set of MAME v0.36 RC2 games including the NBAJam set that was difficult to find. Check it out at the MAME All Merged link on the ROM Files section.

    Xmame v0.36 RC1.1 Released
    XMame/Xmess (X11/Unix port of MAME and MESS) has been updated to version 0.36rc1.1 (one rev older than the latest MAME build). Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

    Catver.ini v0.36 RC2 for Arcade@Home
    Xavier has once again updated the Arcade@Home catver.ini file to include games added in the last release of MAME. Also, more beta version information has been added. This file also works with MameLang32. Download it from the Front-Ends section.

    MameLang32 v0.36 RC 2 Updated
    MameLang32 (MAME32 in English, Spanish, Japanese, & Portuguese) has been updated to correct the sound. If you are experiencing any problems with MameLang32 v0.36 rc 2, download the new binary from the M.A.M.E. section.

    Tuesday, March 14th, 2000
    MAME v0.36 RC 2 Screen Shots
    The MAME Screen Shot Browser and the screen shot packs for the Arcade@Home front-end have been updated to the latest MAME v0.36 rc 2 games. Get them from the Front-Ends section or the above links.

    PowerScore v1.07
    Rodimus Prime has released an update to his PowerScore utility (version 1.07). This release adds initial and name support for all games but Time Pilot. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

    Unofficial MAME32 v0.36 RC 2
    P2L97's Unofficial MAME32 v0.36 rc 2 with auto-fire support has also been released. Download it form the M.A.M.E. section.

    MameLang32 v0.36 RC 2 Released
    MameLang32 is the multi-language version of MAME32. It also includes support for the catver.ini file to show category and version information in the UI. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

    MAME v0.36 RC 2 Updated
    The i686 and K6 builds have been updated to the latest MAME v0.36 rc 2 release. The standard compile of MAME has also been updated to fix a few problems with stereo sound. Download them from the M.A.M.E. section.

    MESS v0.36 RC 1 Released
    One release behind the latest MAME source. MESS is a multiple console emulator built around the MAME source code. Download it from the Console Emulation setcion.

    New Nemu64 INI File
    Myzar has released a new Nemu64 INI file. If Myzar is listening, how about adding a version number so we know what the latest is. Anyway, this release adds playability to Madden NFL 2000, Zool Majousen, and Turok as well as other changes. Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

    Monday, March 13th, 2000
    Arcade Emulation's MAME ROMs
    Arcade Emulation's MAME All Merged set has been updated to include all but a few MAME ROMs from v0.36 RC 2. Bob says he'll be uploading the final few games shortly. Check out the link to his server on the ROM Files section "MAME All Merged" link.

    Virtual Game Station Compatibility
    After the biased "review" of Connectix's PSX emulator the Virtual Game Station for the PC by someone who works for no other than bleem!, I figured I'd post some positive news about VGS PC. Check out the above list or recommended games to play with VGS PC. There are also many reports of VGS PC running many games that bleem! simply cannot or with fewer graphics errors than bleem! The only thing bleem! has going for it is higher resolution. I guess it boils down to your choice of higher resolution or higher compatibility. One thing is for sure, we, the public, should benefit from having two PSX emulators to compete against each other.

    REW v12PR Released
    REW is a fine GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and Super Gameboy emulator that also emulates the NES. I can't read extended character sets, so I have no idea as to what is new with this version, but you can download it from the Console Emulation section. Thanks to VGN for the file (I would have thanked Retrogames, but their server is still broken).

    Sunday, March 12th, 2000
    MAME v0.36 RC 2 Released!
    MAME was updated to v0.36 Release Candidate 2! This version includes new drivers to the following games:
    • Got-Ya [Zsolt Vasvari]
    • Desert Gun [Zsolt Vasvari]
    • Shuffleboard [Zsolt Vasvari]
    • Beraboh Man [Keith Wilkins, Vernon C. Brooks]
    • World Stadium [Vernon C. Brooks]
    • World Stadium '89 [Vernon C. Brooks]
    • Puzzle Club [Vernon C. Brooks]
    • Kyukai Douchuuki [Vernon C. Brooks]
    • Lasso [Phil Stroffolino]
    • Ghox [Quench]
    • V-Five [Brian A. Troha]
    • Dogyuun [Quench]
    • Batsugun [Quench]
    Download it from the M.A.M.E. section. Thanks to VGN for the news and file.

    DreamNes v1.6.0 Released
    DreamNes (NES emulator for Windows) has been updated to v1.6.0. This version adds the following:
    • Totally rewritten CPU core with inline assemble.Speed up a lot!
    • Added Realtime Save/Load state,support 10 save slots per game
    • Added NES Movie Record and Playback.
    • Added Mapper #22 Support(Konami VRC2 Type A). Twinbee 3 run correctly
    • Fixed Mapper #23 IRQ timing. Dracula Kun run correctly.
    • Fixed Mapper #25 IRQ timing. Gradius 2 run correctly.
    • Fixed Mapper #16 bug. Run several Dragon Ball games now.
    • Mapper #17 Improved.Dragon Ball Z 3 run correctly.
    • Mapper #21 Improved.Wai Wai World 2 Playable
    Download it from the Console Emulation section. Thanks to Bloke for the news.

    N64 ROM Renamer v3.0 Released
    This utility recognizes 531 different N64 ROM signatures via it's ROMS.DAT file or CRC1-Method. Also it doesn't matter if the ROM is byteswapped, wordswapped or not swapped, it still recognizes it. Features include:
    • recognizes the format of an N64 ROM (byteswapped, wordswapped or not swapped)
    • internal ROM name
    • Manufacturer
    • Card ID
    • Countrycode
    • CRC1 and CRC2
    • Single file mode
    • Batchmode
    • UltraHLE-like and normal filenames
    • Headereditor
    Download it from their site at the above link.

    Saturday, March 11th, 2000
    PowerScore v1.05 Released
    PowerScore is a high score tool for MAME written by Rodimus Prime. This version fixes all known bugs and adds support for multiple scores. Names will probably be in the next release as well. Download it from Rodimus's site at the above link.

    MameLang32 with CatVer Support
    MameLang32 (multi-language MAME32) has been updated to v0.36 RC1c. This release adds category and version information to the MAME32 GUI via the Arcade@Home catver.ini file (available on the Front-Ends section). Download MameLang32 from the M.A.M.E. section.

    KOF91 v1.0 Released
    KOF91 is a homebrew fighter written by Moah. This is probably the last release by Moah, but the source is included so maybe someone else can take it over. Here's what's new:
    • source code included
    • improved AI
    • collision boxes
    • impact sprites
    • windowed modes
    • MP3 intro
    • super specials with power bars
    • 6 special moves per character
    • foregrounds
    • improved story mode
    • secret characters
    • new font for select screens
    • support for up to 1000 characters
    • support for up to 100 backgrounds
    • fixed framerate regulation on select screens
    • fixed all TNT2 problems thanks to the Allegro WIP
    • Character Editor v0.1
    Download it from the title link (12.7M). The image link shows a screen shot animation, check it out!

    Friday, March 10th, 2000
    Arcade Trivia Game Stuff
    The Arcade Trivia Game has been modified to get around a Microsoft Internet Explorer bug where the trivia game wouldn't start on certain machines running a certain version of IE. Try out the Arcade Trivia Game and let me know if you have any problems. Also, a previous winners page was added that shows the winners and prizes given away to date. Remember, this month the grand prize is a $250 buy.com shopping spree! Check it out at the above link.

    Emulator Tips and Tricks
    EmuSphere has created an emulation tips and tricks interactive forum where people can post information about their favorite emulator. Here's the press release:
      I am very pleased to announce a new, very innovative feature at EmuSphere. This feature is an interactive forum where users can share their emulation experience and post their own tips and undocumented tricks on their favorite emulators. Everything is completely automated by a powerful set of CGI scripts custom built for this forum.
    Check it out at the above link.

    Microsoft Opens X-BOX Site
    It was just a rumor a couple weeks ago, and now it's a reality. Bill Gates has announced the X-BOX gaming platform along with the opening of its web site. Nothing really interesting to look at other than glowing praise from the gaming industry. The machine should sport a 600 MHz CPU, NVIDIA graphics, 64MB RAM, 8GB hard drive, 4X-DVD, & 4 game ports. What's kind of cool is that they really only need to work on a slick interface "skin" for Windows, what the box will look like, and figuring out how they can sell it for $200-$300 and still make money. Once this is accomplished, expect the X-BOX to support thousands of existing Windows games the day of its released. Why didn't they do this sooner? You think that maybe Gateway or Compaq will also release their own X-BOX machine as well? This could get interesting.

    ClrMAMEPro v1.2 Released
    ClrMAME is a greap MAME ROM manager (it also can manage other ROMs with the appropriate datfiles). This release adds the following:
    • added: kind of GetRight/Go!Zilla support. You can copy a single gamefoldername (+ pre- and poststring) to the clipboard (which can be monitored by the download managers)
    • added: "Rebuild Always" option...Now you can decide if files will be rebuilt only if the destination doesn't exist or let CMPro always rebuild the files (which may result in overwriting already existing equal files)
    • misc: source clean-up / fixes / optimizing
    • misc: some gui changes
    • removed: removed urls/mail from 'about dialog'
    Download it from M.A.M.E. section.

    RockNES X v1.0 Released
    The Windows port of RockNES has been released! RockNES is a VERY nice NES emulator and it's been made even better. This version is in sync with the DOS version 1.03 (although it doesn't use the new CPU core yet). Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    Thursday, March 9th, 2000
    bleem! Beats the PS2
    Daily Radar tested the background compatibility of the PS2 with PSX games and found that it doesn't improve the graphics as much as bleem! does. A quote from the Daily Radar:
      Gran Turismo benefited greatly from the texture interpolation, which works best cleaning up those blocky, pixilated textures we're so used to in PlayStation games. Although we saw clear improvement in the graphics we saw nothing that really knocked out socks off and nothing on the same level as Bleem.
    So, bleem! may not be perfect, but it's better than the best Sony can do =) Check out the above link for the full story.

    Gens v0.24 Released
    Gens (Genesis emulator) for Windows was updated to version 0.24. This release adds the following:
    • I'm return with MZ80 (Neil Bradley [email protected]) z80 emulator, it's now works correctly !
    • Prelemenary sound emulation :
    • YM2612 works correctly :)
    • PSG works strangly :o
    • DAC not works and only does some noises :(
    • Sound sync is not yet perfect !
    • Fix a bug in the window plane (Zombie no crash any more ...)
    • Others ...
    Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    Callus95 v0.42 Patch 1b
    Note the "b" this time =) Anyway, this release fixes the following:
    • Street Fighter Zero graphics problems are totally fixed and the floor line scroll (3d effect) is in too.
    • Button 5 and 6 in Street Fighter Zero now work correctly during net play.
    • Player graphics in 'Tenchi wo Kurau II' are fixed.
    Because downloads are not working on the his server, Razoola was nice enough to send me this updated file.

    Arcade Flyer Archive MAME Pack #16
    The Arcade Flyer Archive has updated their MAME pack to #16. This release contains 8 new images and 22 replacements for a total of 966 flyers in all. Download it from their site at the above link.

    Callus95 v0.42 Patch 1a
    This is yet another patch of Callus95 (note the 1a). This release fixes netplay. Download it from the Arcade Emulation section.

    Wednesday, March 8th, 2000
    Corn v0.1 Released!
    Corn is a VERY fast N64 emulator that now supports Mario64, Chopper Attack, Star Fox, Olymphic Hockey98 and others. Also new is sound support, save states support, and a ton of other cool stuff! Download this hot N64 emulator from the Nintendo 64 section.

    New Nemu64 INI v0.52
    Another day, another Nemu64 INI file. =) This version was created by George Hirko and takes yesterday's EmuForce release and adds the following:
    • Added information for 44 new games over the EmuForce version
    • Combined all available INI files
    • Removed all duplicates
    • Gave the comments a more cohesive format
    • Alphabetized all games from two categories (Roms/Demos) for easy updating.
    I'm calling this v0.52 in attempts to keep it straight that this is a newer version. Download it from the bottom right corner of the N64 section.

    Arcade@Home Goes Geek
    You can now check out the latest Arcade@Home news from Geekboys. Geekboys is another custom news service like eFront that allows you to view news from the sites you're interested in, all from one page. Check it out at the above link.

    Updated Catver.ini for Arcade@Home
    Xavier has added even more beta information to the catver.ini file for Arcade@Home. Note that this is an optional file for Arcade@Home, but gives you version added and game category informaion. Download it from the Front-Ends section.

    Tuesday, March 7th, 2000
    New Nemu64 INI
    EmuForce has taken the existing Nemu64 INI files out there and combined them into one. I'm calling it version 0.51 for lack of a better reason. Download it from the Nintendo 64 section.

    MacMAME v0.36 RC 1 Released
    The Mac version of MAME is now in sync with the latest MAME source code. This version includes the following:
    • New assembly 6502 core. [Aaron Giles]
    • Updated RAVE plugin to automatically work around bugs. [John Butler]
    • Improved speed of the ATI plugin. [Aaron Giles]
    • Adjusted Mac mouse sensitivity to correspond better to the PC mouse sensitivity. [Brad Oliver]
    • Minor fixes to window positioning, automatic frameskipping, and sound generation. [Aaron Giles]
    Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

    PCEngine v1.6.1 Released
    Another quick updated of this TurboGrafx 16 emulator for Windows. This version probably includes a few bug fixes. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    Callus 95 v0.42 Patch 1
    This "new" version supports 75 games, some fixed dip switch settings, and ROM names are compatible with MAME merged ROM sets. Street Fighter Zero support is included with fully working buttons. Note that this version has the blessing of Bloodlust Software. Download it from the Arcade Emulation section.

    GBFan Plus v1.17 Released
    GBFan Plus is a GameBoy emulator for Windows that is also in Japanese. v1.17 is available on the Console Emulation section.

    PCEngine v1.6 Released
    PCEngine is a TurboGrafx 16 emulator for Windows. It's in Japanese, so I have no clue as to what is new, but version 1.6 is available on the Console Emulation section.

    Virtual Game Station for the PC
    Sony tried to stop them in court, but couldn't. Connectix's Virtual Game Station (VGS) for the PC is now shipping to stores. It should allow you to play around 100 Playstation games and cost $30. The above link shows the compatibility list as of 6/24/99. Reports indicate that it supports more games and is more stable than bleem! I've found that you can order it at several on-line stores. Outpost.com offers VGS for $29.99 which includes free overnight shipping (buy.com's price is $22.95 but it's $9.95 for standard ground shipping). By the way, I don't make anything if you purchase it from Outpost, I just like free overnight shipping =)

    Monday, March 6th, 2000
    RockNES v1.03 Released
    RockNES is a NES emulator for DOS and has been updated to version 1.03. This release adds the following:
    • Added MMC5 IRQ modes 0 & 1 (Castlevania 3 and Metal Slader Glory works);
    • Added NES sound frequency sweep (Mario jump sound works);
    • Fixed MMC5 CHR bank switching (no more glitches);
    • Fixed a color bug with VS Excitebike (black instead of blue);
    • Fixed 4-screen mirroring set when you load a state (*.RNx), ok;
    • Fixed RAM saving when you save a state ($0800-$1000 block fills the RAM);
    • Keyboard & joystick can be enabled (like p1 as joystick, p2 as keyboard);
    • Added joystick calibration on startup (check rnsetup.cfg for information);
    • Adjusted mapper #40 IRQ timing to fix the 'cloud glitch';
    • Removed screen clearing (bitmap is always cleared with black);
    • Added vsync, joypad calibration and bitmap blitter select in the config;
    • Default bitmap blitter changed to old blitter (more compatible);
    • More minor problems has been fixed, some junk removed.
    Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    AdriPSX v00.03.05 Released
    The DOS version of this new PSX emulator has been updated to v00.03.05. This version also plays some 3D games! It includes the following new features:
    • Improved Dynamic Recompiler Core for greater speed
    • Software Graphics Renderer
    • Working MDEC and XA skipping rutines
    • CDROM Decoder Handler that allows AdriPSX to play commercial games
    • Not-as-friendly GUI, which is being worked out a little more every day
    Download it from the Playstation PSX section.

    Cool New Icons
    If you haven't seen the cool new icons scattered around the site, check out the Console Emulation section at the above link. Exodus3D has done a wonderful job drawing all new icons for every console and platform. The Console Emulation section is completely database driven and automated which gives you more accurate information that's laid out in a logical way. New sections and features are in the works which will make it even better and more enjoyable, stay tuned.

    16 Million Visitors
    Visitor 16 million rolled in last night and I didn't even notice. Those counter numbers really don't mean anything anyway because they don't count every visitor. I think I only have the counter because most other emulation sites have counters as well. What do you think? Vote on: Should I remove the counter?

    DarcNES dn9a0305 Released
    DarcNES (a multi console emulator) has updated the linux version to dn9a0305. This version adds the following:
    • Added keyboard support to Apple ][ driver (only works under X).
    • Added a couple more instructions to the emu68k core (and still nothing runs).
    • Added range checking to ROM accesses in the genesis driver.
    • Disabled I/O logging of FM chip writes in the genesis driver.
    • Fixed a bug with MMC3 IRQs (SMB3 fortress now works correctly).
    • Cleaned up the NES PPU code somewhat.
    • Cleaned up the SMS sprite renderers somewhat.
    • Rebuilt command line parsing for X version and added (but failed to document) a command to override system detection (needed to access the Apple ][ driver).
    Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    Sunday, March 5th, 2000
    VisualBoy v1.4 Released
    VisualBoy is a great Windows GameBoy emulator. This version adds the following:
    • GameGenie and GameShark
    • Bug fixes: several small bugs are now fixed and games like Ken Griffey, Go Goemon and Pro Darts now work.
    Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    Nemu64 INI v0.5 Released
    This latest version of the Nemu64 INI file includes the following stats:
    • Playable - 128 roms
    • Menu - 19 roms
    • Intro - 12 roms
    • Severe GFX errors - 26 roms
    • Dosent Work - 59 roms
    • Total - 244 roms tests
    It also adds a readme.txt file which includes a mini FAQ, some other info, and cheats for Earthworm Jim 3D, Gex 3, Mischief Makers, Ridge Racers and Rocket Robot On Wheels (but they are not tested). Download it from the N64 section.

    Hu-Go! v1.11 Released
    Hu-Go! (TurboGrafx 16 emulator for DOS and Linux) has been updated to version 1.11. This release adds the following:
    • Better adpcm sound (thanks to David Michel)
    • A debugged dos 800x600 video mode
    • Two more working hu cards without command line options
    • Cleaner source (much cleaner :)
    Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    DreamNes v1.5.0 Released
    A new DirectX NES emulator for Windows9x has been released! It is called DreamNES and is written in both Chinese and English. This emulator also includes a built in ROM utility that checks to make sure your NES ROMs are in good shape. Following are the features of DreamNES:
    • Support mapper 0,1,2,3,4,7,8,11,16,17,19,21,23,64
    • Partially support mapper 5,6,34,48,91
    • Support DirectInput compatible joystick and Keyboard input
    • Emulated RapidFire, speed adjustable
    • Scanline based graphic engine
    • Support all 5 sound channels
    • Emulated Stereo effect! (Few games sound better in Mono mode*_*)
    • Support Trainer
    • DreamNES Control Panel. Have key (button) assign and many more.
    • NSF player (not activated yet)
    • Auto detect bad header and header trash. Click "YES" to correct your ROM
    • Super database with full ROM information, including ROM version, etc.
    • Selectable screen shot library (There are TOO many!)
    Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    Saturday, March 4th, 2000
    PS2 Released in Japan
    The next big console, the PS2, was released in Japan today and they're flying off the shelves (as to be expected). Sony's first batch of 1 million units were sold out at most stores in a few hours. The price in Japan is the equivalent of $370 US, but it includes a DVD movie player. So, if you don't already have a component DVD player, it's almost a free console. Check out the above link for a bunch of PS2 related sites and news.

    AMD moves to 1-GHz on Monday
    AMD has won the 1GHz race against Intel. Intel will probably try to ship it's 1GHz chip in the next few days as well, but it's nice to see Intel play catch-up for the past few months. Read all the news at the above link.

    Catver.ini v0.36 RC1 for Arcade@Home
    Xavier was nice enough to update the Arcade@Home catver.ini file to include the games added in the last few releases. Also, he added the beta version number to many games and more detailed category information. Download it from the Front-Ends section.

    Xmame/Xmess v0.36 Beta 16.1 Released
    Xmame/Xmess is the X11/Unix port of MAME and MESS. This version includes the source changes up to the v0.36 beta 16 build of MAME as well as some Unix specific changes. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

    MameLang32 v0.36 RC1b Updated
    MameLang32 (MAME32 in English, Spanish, Japanese, & Portuguese) gets another updated of v0.36 RC1, this time because of some NeoGeo filtering issues. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

    Friday, March 3rd, 2000
    Winamp Needs Pac-Amp
    Want the perfect thing to go along with the latest Winamp 2.61? How about Ryan Bennett's Pac-Amp! Check out a preview of it at the above link or the image. When you're done drooling, download it directly into Winamp using the following link: Pac-Amp.

    OpenGlide v0.05a Released
    OpenGlide is a Glide wrapper designed to allow you to play UltraHLE on a non Voodoo video card. This version gets rid of some bugs and is faster. Download it from the N64 section.

    Winamp v2.61 Released
    Winamp with the usual bug fixes and updates. I had problems downloading it from the Winamp site, so it's featured locally at the above link.

    Thursday, March 2nd, 2000
    Register microsoft.sucks?
    Ralph Nader is trying to set up a service that would provide 10 new top-level domains, including .sucks. What's even better is that organizations will be banned from owning the .sucks version of their name. For example, Bell Atlantic owns bellatlanticsucks.com. Under this plan, they couldn't register bellatlantic.sucks. Registration fees from .sucks would go to the "The Dot Sucks Foundation" to promote online free speech. Get your credit cards ready =)

    Arcade Trivia Game Winners Selected
    The Arcade Trivia Game winners for February have been selected and contacted. The grand prize winner is Vince Guzik from Watertown, SD. He received a $210 buy.com shopping spree gift via e-mail (maybe he'll tell us what he purchased). The second prize winner is Matt Williams of Dowellton, TN. He won HanaHo's Capcom Coin-Op Classics CD including 14 legal Capcom ROMs. It's not too late for you to win. This month, the grand prize is a $250 buy.com shopping spree! To play, check out the above link or click on the $ Arcade Trivia $ link on the navigation frame. Congratulations to the winners!

    Nemu64.ini v0.4 Released
    Yet another update of the unofficial Nemu64.ini file. I also hear that v0.5 will be released tomorrow. Download it from the N64 section. Now all I need is for Nemu64's sound to work (I get zero sound even after deleting the NemuAudio.ini file) I've talked to several other people that also don't get any sound no matter what they do. Hopefully these bugs will be found and sorted out in a new release.

    Happy Birthday Arcade@Home
    Arcade@Home enters the terrible twos today. It's been a lot of fun for past two years. Thanks go out to Exodus3D for the cool new logo and for other new graphics that will be popping up in the next day (it takes about 24 hours for the 2,000 Akamai servers to update their cache). I hope you like the modified layout, and the sub sections should be updated in the next few days. Thanks also to you, the 100,000+ unique visitors daily that pass through this site. Lets make it another 2 years. =)

    RockNES v1.02 Released
    A new version of RockNES has been released. This version includes the following features and bug fixes:
    • New IRQ handler system (using 'hooks');
    • Fixed MMC5 support (CastleVania 3 US works, still unplayable);
    • Added mapper #226 support (76in1 cart, partial);
    • Added mapper #227 support (1200in1 cart, does not work);
    • More minor bugs fixed.
    Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    DarcNES for Windows v1.06
    DarcNES for Windows (a multi-console emulator) was updated to version 1.06. This version also includes a basic GUI. Download it from the Console Emulation section.

    Bit Age Times Issue #6
    The newsletter for the second generation of video games has a new issue. This month has the following articles:
    • The Top 50 Games of the Bit Age continues
    • A look at Magic Engine
    • Spotlight on the Cinemaware website
    • Review of Metal Slug
    • A whole lot more!
    Check it out at the above link.

    MameLang32 v0.36 RC 1 Updated
    The previous MameLang32 v0.36 rc 1 contained a few some errors related with two of the new MAME32 characteristics. Also, auto fire was added. Download it from the M.A.M.E. section.

    Wednesday, March 1st, 2000
    A-SATURN Discontinued
    A-SATURN has been discontinued by the author. He reports that he had a nervous break down from coding A-SATURN. :( Check out his comments on the A-SATURN home page. Thanks to Ben-J for the news.

    Arcade Trivia Game
    The Arcade Trivia Game for February has come to an end. I've sent out e-mails to the winners which I will announce as soon as I get a reply. Because of the popularity, March's Arcade Trivia Game will be giving away a $250 buy.com shopping spree! Play it at the above link.

    Arcade@Home Turns 2 Tomorrow
    It's hard to believe, but the Arcade@Home site will two years old tomorrow. It started as the "Ultimate MAME Machine" and was created to show my MAME cabinet project. A lot has changed since then. Maybe I'll do something special tomorrow to celebrate.

  •  :: Prime 6-Month Trial

     :: News at a Glance

    Nintendo World Championship Cart Currently Going For Over $90,000

    Nintendo shares hit following loss warning

    KADE - Connects arcade controls to computers and consoles

    Ouya passes Kickstarter goal on first day at $950K and rising

    Bleeding Edge MAME / MESS source downloads (GIT)

    MAME & MESS Political Roadblocks / Politics Over Progress (May 12th, 2011)

    Personal data of millions at risk as Sony network hacked

    Future of the Projects (April 12th, 2011)

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     :: Top Downloads

    RomCenter v2.50
    PSEmu Pro v1.0.21b
    Nemu64 v0.7a New
    UltraHLE v1.0
    PCSX2 Win v0.038
    MAME Win v0.67
    NeoRageX v0.6b
    Arcade@Home v0.37b
    Project64 v1.5b1
    VGS v1.41
    MAME32 v0.66
    Visual Pinball TB6
    VisualBoyAdvance 1.0a
    Donkey Kong
    Corn v0.30
     :: Download Voyeur

    Area 51 2001
    Captain 2001 - v.50
    DarcNES Win v1.06
    Kgen98 v0.4b
    Magic 1979 - v0.99
    MagicEngine v0.9.9b5
    Middle 1978 - v0.91
    NLKE v0.5b
    Power 2001 - Beta 3
    Pro Football 1973
    Pro Pool 1973
    Reality Boy 6.5beta
    Stingray 1977
    Time 1983 - v1.0
    Track & Field
    Intellivision Lives! Mac
    Visual PinMAME 1.12.1
    World 1957 - v1.1

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